Do you find it hard to be authentic? To show people who you really are? To expose your vulnerability? Do you ever wonder, “If people knew who I really am, would they like me?” Where does that come from? Why do you feel that way?
Why do we feel that who and what we are is not enough? Why do we feel that we have to “fake it” until we make it? What can you do about it?
We behave in accordance with our beliefs about ourselves. If we have self-limiting beliefs, we will have self-limiting behaviors. If we have self-empowering beliefs, we will have self-empowering behaviors. We perform as well as we believe we are capable of performing. So what can we do to empower ourselves? Join Choices host, Judi Moreo, author of “You Are More Than Enough” as she explores what it takes to have the courage to be authentic.
Is it hard? Judi believes it can be, but doesn’t have to be. She believes that most of our beliefs about ourselves have come from outside sources: people, education, and experiences, and that we can recreate so much about our lives in order to believe that we are enough. She will discuss how we can develop new habits, techniques, and beliefs. Judi wants you to know in your heart that “You Are More Than Enough.”

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