Do you have so much stuff that you can’t find things? Do you have problems with organization? Does it seem like when you leave your office or work space, your papers make baby papers? Are you consistently stressed out because you are always running behind time?
If so, join Choices host, Judi Moreo, as she discusses how to take control, get organized and get it all done. Judi is the author of eleven books including “You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power.” She will share with you some of the techniques she learned to go from a packrat who felt like she was drowning in a sea of paper to an organized executive who now has time for a personal life.
The organizational tips and time-saving short cuts Judi will share with you will help you declutter your life by figuring out:
• What things to give away, throw away, or donate
• What you really need to keep
• How to get over your fear of needing it again someday
• How to enlist others
• How to enjoy the experience
Try to remember that to clutter is human, don’t criticize yourself. Join Judi and figure out how to open up your physical and mental space, in order to create room for possibilities.

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