Have you ever been really excited about something and told someone else about it …only to have them stomp all over your excitement? The negative person to whom you told your dream…pointed out why you shouldn’t be excited and how what you are excited about will never work. Join Judi Moreo, author of You Are More Than Enough, for an in-depth discussion of why you should stay away from these pessimistic people and how you can be an optimist. Does your attitude of pessimism or optimism affect your income? You bet it does. Optimists know that no matter how dreary the future looks, you can make your dreams come true. Can we still believe in the American Dream of financial independence? Can we still make plans to send our children to college, take vacations, or buy the house of dreams? Yes, we can. Judi will discuss how! If you keep doing what you are doing now, where will you be in five years? If you are not happy with your life as it is, what can you do about it? Join Judi and find out.

The Power of Optimism