A Final Note
By Judi Moreo

The law of cause and effect tells us we can change the effect only by changing the cause. If we are thinking negative thoughts, we are going to get negative results. When you keep doing the same old thing in the same old way, it’s not only called insanity…. It’s called pure stubbornness. If you want different results or a different effect, you must change the cause.
Once you understand and accept this, it will change your life As we live our lives, we experience various degrees of consciousness. Whatever we have experienced thus far might have been experienced differently if only we had understood that our expectations produced the results we achieved. If you want to grow strawberries, don’t plant turnip seeds. If you want love in your life, don’t plant hate. If you want success, do what makes you successful.
What you believe to be true about yourself is what you make happen in your life. You view the world through your belief system. Since beliefs are usually formed as a result of what someone else told us about ourselves, our intelligence, our health, our diets, our possibilities, and our circumstances, we’ve learned to see the world through what we were taught by others. Don’t you think it’s about time you take charge of your own beliefs? Your self-concept is what determines your performance. You will always take the action that is consistent with your concept of yourself.
The only way you will change your outcome is to change the way you think Your thoughts create your feelings. Your feelings direct your behavior. Your behavior brings about your results. You will not have different results in your life until you change your thinking. We can think ourselves into health, success, and prosperity by concentrating on the good we have now and focusing on a positive future.
You can do this. You are more than enough,
This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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