Are You Licensed to Synchronize Your Journey?
By Holly Duckworth

Our society has rules you have to be of a certain age to drink, vote, and drive. We have licenses to be in certain professions. You get a license for your car, a license to drive, etc. All these licenses essentially break down to permission. You have to have someone else give you permission.
There is one thing you don’t need permission from others for, believing in synchronicity. Synchronicity gets better and faster when you consciously give yourself the mental permission… your internal permission, to see divine alignment around you.
There is a little game we play as trainers. In the game, go around in a circle and each participant says, “If you really knew me…” finish the statement. You go round and around and after while your answers start to synchronize with the people in your group. If you really knew me you would know I love to bake. If you really knew me you know I love chocolate. If you really knew me you know I see Spirit message in license plates.
You see, I live my life knowing that the right message will come at the right time. Sometimes, I see it in numerology, others in colors, sometimes clouds and often those darn vanity car license plates. I see things this way because I have given myself, and the Universe, permission to speak to me in these unique visual, auditory, sensory ways.
I could tell you 1000 stories of synchronicity in my life. While synchronicity has many definitions and corresponding words, some call them coincidences, others call them alignment. No matter what you call it when you’re open to them, you give yourself license to synchronize your journey.
For me, synchronicity happens often when I am driving.
I see vanity license places all the time. As I keep in alignment with these synchronous messages, I began to take photos. Now, I have hundreds of them.
On a recent synchronous occurrence, I was sitting in a parking lot with a friend crying over a recent challenge I was experiencing. I looked up and the car that parked across from me had the plate “BELIVE”(Believe). You better believe I put that frown upside down and started believing again.
A while back, I was going out on a date with a gentleman I was little nervous about. When he picked me up, we drove away and the car in front of us had the plate “GV-THX” (give thanks). That set the tone for a wonderful stress free evening.
Years ago, I was very sad as I was driving away from a friend’s house. I looked to the car in front of me and the plate read “PRAY HD” (pray hard). Last week, I came off stage, left the venue, picked up my car, and the plate in front of me was “GR8FUL” (grateful) and I was. Messages are synchronizing everywhere when you are open to them.
As a professional speaker, I actually have a Ted-like talk called Life Lessons Learned in Vanity License Plates where I share some of my collection.
For some, my little license plate messages may seem too silly to be real. For me, this divine synchronicity shows that everything in life can be a miracle, if you open to its possibility.
As a reader of Choices, you know the power of choice in every aspect of your life. Give yourself the license to synchronize your journey. I’d love to hear your stories.
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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