CHOICES Magazine
Autumn 2024
Online Article Archive
Reclaiming Balance
We have all encountered the adage, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” Yet, many individuals operate on an empty cup due to the perceived lack of time for self-care. This mindset can ultimately lead to burnout. The belief that self-care requires significant time investment often deters individuals from engaging in it.
9 Tax Tips That Could Save You Money
Taking time to review your financial and tax situation could help you (and your family) keep more of what you have earned. While some strategies apply now, others involve anticipating changes to come. For ways to potentially reduce your tax bill this year or moving forward, consider these ideas from Bank of America.
Balancing Success and Well-Being
We live in a world today that is fast-paced, and overly stressful, and most of us are juggling way too many things at one time, taking little to no time for ourselves. This can add to our success levels, and allow us to achieve our goals, and maybe even our dreams, but at what cost?
The Healing Power of Art
In today’s fast-paced world, finding effective ways to maintain and improve our health is more important than ever. While diet and exercise are often emphasized, one powerful yet sometimes overlooked avenue for enhancing well-being is the act of creating art. Engaging in artistic activities isn’t only for professional artists; it’s a therapeutic practice accessible to everyone, regardless of skill level.
The Secret Ingredient for Healthy Holidays
Most of us have a love-hate relationship with the holidays due to a variety of reasons—family, food, and surprises of all kinds. Holidays are bittersweet. For some, it’s a time to celebrate new beginnings and welcome little ones into the family.
The CEO Self-Care Plan Every Entrepreneur Needs
How many hard lessons about self-care and burnout have you learned during your entrepreneurship journey? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, the list is long. We’ve all been there—working long days, skipping vacations, putting off workouts, saying yes to every client, surviving on five hours of sleep, or grabbing whatever food we can because we’re too busy.