Better Your Brand, Better Your Business
By Christina Daves

My phone rang last week with one of my newest clients. He said, “Christina, we can’t work together anymore.” I was crushed! “What do you mean? Things are going so great!” He said, “Exactly! You positioned me so well with my branding that my company was bought out by my biggest competitor and they made me a partner.”
I was just helping him look consistent and credible so when the media checked him out to use him as a source, he checked out. This shows you how powerful your brand is in today’s marketplace and why it’s important to have a consistent brand to grow your business.
What is Your Brand?
It used to be that people worked with companies. Now people want to work with people. Some things to think about are: Is your brand consistent with your authentic self and your messaging? Does your brand allow people to relate to you? Even if you are part of a company, it’s important to create a personal brand of you.
Is your messaging on target with your customers?
Are the images you’re using and the messaging you’re putting out consistent with who your ideal client or customer is? I worked with a real estate agent recently who specialized in first time home buyers but all of his imagery was from homes that were multi-million dollar homes. That actually creates a negative feeling for those potential customers and will likely turn them away thinking that type of agent couldn’t help them.
Make sure your branding is on the mark for the types of people you want to work with.
Is your “look” consistent?
When someone goes to your website and all of your individual social media sites, are you using the same pictures, colors, fonts, and messaging? As mentioned above, make sure everything is consistent with your ideal client or customer and then make sure it’s consistent on your website and social media platforms. Use the same imagery, the same fonts, and the same colors so people know that it’s you.
Is it YOU?
Are the pictures of you consistent with how you look today? I see this time and time again that people are using dated headshots of themselves. I actually hear all the time, “WOW! You really look like your picture.” Remember, people want to work with people. Make sure your personal imagery is really YOU.
Are you being authentic?
Is your messaging authentic to who you are? Be real. Be who YOU are. Don’t pretend to be someone else. There are plenty of people who want to work with YOU. Let people know who you are through your blogs, your posts and your videos and be that authentic person when they meet you.
Content Marketing Strategy
Last but not least, make sure the content you put on your website, blog, and social media is consistent for your ideal customers and clients. Make sure you address any concerns that you’ve heard about your industry. Give them what THEY want, to show that you are their ideal partner.
Your brand really is your business so make sure you are on brand with who you really are and who you want to work with.
This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2019 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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