Blazing Trails in Beauty and Beyond:
The Entrepreneurial Journey of Mary Ronnow

By Judi Moreo

Mary Ronnow

Mary Ronnow

Mary Ronnow has been a successful entrepreneur and licensed Master Esthetician for over 30 years. She is the founder of The Skin Institute in St. George, Utah, and the co-owner and founder (along with her daughter, Lieren Pearson) of The Skin Institute International in Honolulu, Hawaii. She is also the owner of Starry Nites Ranch in southern Utah.

Mary has worked in every aspect of the beauty, skincare, spa, and medi-spa industry. She has owned esthetic schools, medi-spas, worked for plastic surgeons and dermatologists, and worked as an educator and manufacturers rep. She has provided training and career opportunities for over a thousand students in the skincare field. Mary currently serves on the Hawaii Spa Association (HI Spa) board. Her passion lies in leadership development, and training other like-minded individuals who are passionate entrepreneurs.

Mary believes “Being an entrepreneur is a risky business. You are betting on the fact that you can do something better than the next guy. It is not for the faint of heart. You must get comfortable with the uncomfortable. No one is going to fix your problems for you. There is no blueprint for leaders. The old methods of doing business are not going to work anymore. They are old and tired. So, blaze your path. Don’t worry about the competition. Set the standards for everyone else to follow. Nothing will be more rewarding!”

JM: What is Starry Nights Ranch?

MR: Nestled in a secluded forest of Juniper trees lies a hidden gem, Starry Nites Ranch. It is located in New Harmony, Utah. Here we host retreats, weddings, and various other types of events. Guests look to the west to see the green, pastoral view of the Pine Valley mountain range. To the east, one experiences the fiery red view of Kolob National Park. Locals call it the “Five Fingers”.

The beautifully appointed ranch sleeps up to 16 guests. Starry Nites Ranch welcomes anyone seeking solitude and respite from a hectic life.

JM: What motivated you to start a place for retreats?

MR: I was inspired to purchase the ranch during COVID. People were seeking fresh air, peace, and solitude. Guests are rewarded with cozy accommodations and incredible vistas. There is no ambient light, only moonlight and an inky blue sky splashed with stars. Guests can interact with Willow, the horse, bunnies, and ducks.

JM: What are your goals for Starry Nights Ranch? Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives you are excited about?

MR: I want Starry Nites to continue to be a refuge for all. What is the point of having beauty if one doesn’t share it? I’m excited to announce that Starry Nites Ranch will be the location for the WEA retreat/conference coming in May 2025. Plan on great food, incredible break-out sessions, accommodations, spa treatments, and jaw-dropping views. Save the date!

Mary Ronnow

A graduating class at The Skin Institute International (TSII)

JM: What other businesses do you own and what inspired you to start them?

MR: There’s Starry Nites Ranch in southern Utah. I also still own a portion of The Skin Institute Esthetic School in St. George, Utah (founded by me) and The Skin Institute International in Honolulu, Hawaii.

I’m very proud of the parent esthetic school, TSI, which I founded in St. George, Utah in 2002. I sold the majority of it to my fabulous student, Debbie Leavitt. I enthusiastically support her. She has done a phenomenal job continuing my legacy. The business is thriving thanks to her and her dedicated team.

I started The Skin Institute International (TSII) in Honolulu, Hawaii in 2016. My business partner and co-founder is my daughter, Lieren Pearson, a Master Esthetician.

JM: What obstacles did you face when starting your business?

MR: Like all serious entrepreneurs, I’ve faced many obstacles over the 30 years that I’ve been in business. If one looks at statistics of the easiest states to start a business, Utah always ranks in the top eight. Hawaii ranks 48th. Hawaii is not an easy state to start or conduct a business. However, I didn’t know that when I started the school in Hawaii. If I had known, I still would have remained undaunted. One of my favorite quotes by Joseph Campbell is, “The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure that you seek.” I remain undaunted.

JM: Who inspired you?

MR: Many individuals have inspired me. I received my esthetic hours in 1993 from the Fran Brown Hair School in Utah. I was the only esthetics student there. I drove an hour each way every day. I was motivated to complete it as I was a single mom with four children to support. Ten years later, after working in every position in the esthetics industry, I decided to open my school. Fran Brown herself said, “Take my material, use my paperwork to lay the foundation for your school.” I was opening a competing school (granted a few hours away) in the same state. Here was a woman who was not threatened by competition. She was completely confident in herself and her product. She found joy in my success. She was an outstanding mentor. She exemplified, “Paying it Forward.” Wow, did I learn a valuable lesson from her!

I have been fortunate to build a team of smart attorneys, bankers, CPAs, and other professionals who have encouraged me in my entrepreneurial journey. Surround yourself with people smarter than you. People who revel in your journey. People who have solid solutions for you when things go south. It has been rewarding to sit with enthusiastic, smart individuals who have taught me the law, solved problems, and brainstormed ideas with me.

Mary Ronnow

Preparing senior students for the real world

JM: How do you stay motivated and inspired?

MR: Being around smart, creative, like-minded individuals keeps me inspired.

JM: What new projects or initiatives are you currently working on and what do you hope to achieve?

MR: I am a serial entrepreneur. I see possibilities everywhere. My new initiatives for the year 2025 are succinct:

  • Add a massage therapy program to TSII, Hawaii.
  • Add a laser certification class to TSII.
  • Offer federal student aid for TSII students.
  • Continue to mentor serious individuals
  • Host leadership training seminars at Starry Nites Ranch (

JM: What advice do you have for new entrepreneurs who may be struggling?

MR: Anyone struggling with challenges in the entrepreneurial world can do this:

  • Talk to someone you admire for encouragement and uplifting messages.
  • Read, Read, Read. Simon Sinek is one of my favorites.
  • Listen to TED talks. My favorite is “The Power of Choice “ by Caroline Myss
  • Attend conferences (an absolute must for a shot in the arm)
  • Exercise- a brisk morning walk, preferably with an inspiring friend. Walk and talk. Get those endorphins going.

Know that to get through tough times you have to take one more step.

Mary Ronnow

Mary Ronnow

JM: Are there any tips you can give for building confidence and resilience?

MR: Confidence and resilience are built by small victories. Always do the right thing. Be a woman of integrity. Be a woman of your word. If you owe people money, make it right. If you have offended someone, humble yourself, and apologize. Make it right. Show up early for appointments. If you show up on time, you’re late. Show up prepared. Flaky people are my pet peeve! Do what you say you are going to do. Don’t give excuses. Don’t ever play the victim. That is giving your power away. Get comfortable with failure. You will feel nauseated, a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. It will pass. Failure is an opportunity to grow, yay! It is the best teacher and a stepping-stone for success. You are well on your way with a failure under your belt.

JM: What do you believe was the key factor in developing into the successful businesswoman you are today?

MR: I am a success today because of the shoulders I’ve stood upon. My mother, Vilda Ronnow, was Nevada’s Mother of the Year in 1971. She was an elegant perfectionist in style, dress, interior design, and gracious entertaining. My father, Price Ronnow, was a successful businessman who exuded warmth, charisma, and positivity. He loved people. They were a powerful team for 53 years. They provided a secure foundation for their children to thrive in. They taught us to draw on higher powers, both male and female entities. Their solidarity was the greatest gift.

Some of the best lessons I’ve learned have come from my four children. What a joy it has been to get and share business ideas with them as adults. My son, Jerrel Grow, PGA pro shared with me the best interviewing advice he used early in his career. He’d tell the interviewer, “My job is to make your job easier. This is how I can do it…” followed by a list of how he could solve the pain points of the country club golf operations. He’d get the job every time.

My three daughters have followed in my footsteps and are all Master Estheticians. Sierra Mead, Desiree Andelin, and Lieren Pearson are all Entrepreneurs. We constantly share ideas and business tips. One day, after a particularly difficult month, they presented me with a beautiful impressive red beaded necklace. “These are your power beads, Mom. Wear them.” It was a symbolic, sweet gesture of love and concern from powerful women. Solidarity!

Students at TSII in Hawaii

Students at TSII in Hawaii

JM: How do you balance a busy career and a successful personal life?

MR: I couldn’t balance my busy career without my extremely supportive husband, Kenneth Blazzard. He puts up with my long absences while I am running the business in Hawaii. He is in Utah running Starry Nites Ranch.

My best tip for balancing your life is to guard your time. Be selective of the organizations you choose to join. I’ve made WEA my top priority. It has immense value. Participating in too many networking organizations can be a money and time drain. We often justify by thinking, “But this is networking.” Believe me, no one loves meeting people and networking more than me but pick the most valuable ones. Avoid people who are draining. True entrepreneurs love to serve people. However, sometimes we need to graciously extricate ourselves from those who are draining our energy. I love to mentor curious individuals who are willing to put in the hard work. I have trained and provided career opportunities for over a thousand individuals in the skincare industry. We were put here on earth to help and serve each other. And doesn’t it feel good?

JM: We are honored to welcome Mary Ronnow as the newest member of the Women Entrepreneurs Association. Mary is an articulate and passionate entrepreneur, whose dedication and insight make her a valuable addition to our community. We look forward to her contributions and the positive impact she will undoubtedly bring.

This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2024 issue of CHOICES Magazine