Consider the Power of One
By Holly Duckworth

9,623 – the number of my Twitter followers
8,869 – the number of my LinkedIn followers
112 – Insight Timer Audio Mindfulness Posts
4 – the number of magazines I write columns for
1- person impacted in a positive way from my work
Many social norms have changed in 2021, social media and how we value the connections found there is different now. Maybe it is in your world also? I feel a little braggadocious even quoting to you these numbers. Some of you will read that and unconsciously think, that’s all. Others will read that and go, who cares. This my friends, is life post-pandemic. We all have new understandings on pretty much everything. We speak so many different languages. By languages here I mean the double entendre of both languages as in English, French, Spanish and language meaning technology language, Facebook, Twitter, Zoom, Teams. We believe different things on most every issue. You get the idea. Do the numbers really matter? If so, what numbers matter?
As I update in some cases and clear out my address book and social media accounts post pandemic, I recognize that some of my colleagues and partners no longer fit. They have changed, as have I. For some, we lost touch well before the pandemic, others have moved physical locations or changed jobs. We no longer connect. No need to judge as good, bad, right wrong, happy or sad. This just is.
No matter how big my social circle becomes I know the power of one. One phone call or Zoom call. I experience power of connection, both in giving and receiving a handwritten card. For the first 6 months of the pandemic, every day I posted a live video from my book, Everyday Mindfulness: From Chaos to Calm In a Crazy World. If just one person responded, my work was done for that day.
I love people, ideas, thoughts, conversations. I’ll take impactful thought-provoking conversation any way I can safely make the connection work for both of us. While I only speak English, I speak via a lot of technology tools. Many of us are reviewing our circles of friends, family and co-workers and the circles are different. Maybe smaller or bigger, no need to judge. It is what it is.
What I know, for sure, is the power of one. One person thru a simple connection will make a difference in the life of another.
When I woke up today my inner voice whispered, “Text, Joe.” A dear friend I went to ministerial school with. We had not talked the entire pandemic. In moments, he texted back “Hello, blast from the past.” That became a vibrant positive exchange.
Do all these social media numbers matter? Maybe? I have a folder of client testimonials that say my post made them think, or breathe, or become something better. For this, I am thankful. These notes are one to one, personal. I text, email, even write this article so one person experiences what they are to experience from the connection.
This summer ,no matter where we are, with the COVID pandemic, we are all individual human beings doing the best we can. Is there someone you feel like you want to reconnect with? Try. Is there someone you are ready to stop connecting with? Do. We have one life to live. As you re-new or create new connections for your own post pandemic circle of relationships, remember the power of one.
Here are ways to ripple out connections this summer:
- Invite one couple to social distance or follow current COVID protocols to have a meal with you.
- Make one phone call to someone you care about.
- Remove that one person from your address book or social media that no longer brings positivity into your world.
- Send one card or letter in the mail. It’s fun to open the mailbox to something other than bills or junk mail.
- Host one Zoom happy hour with a friend that may live outside of driving distance.
- Call your grocery clerk by name.
We are all One. May you mindfully connect with safety, health, and joy this summer, wherever you are. Feel free to connect with me in the language you prefer, now that you know how to find my connection links.
This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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