Dare to Dream
By Shana Kai

I grew up in a quaint little town in Northern California. The country farm house in which I lived had been in my mom’s family for years. We had several acres where we raised our own beef, had a garden and a plethora of furry pets that I adored. The days were filled with playing in a big tree house that my dad built for my brother and me. We also had a creek not far from our house. I often went down to catch crawdads and pollywogs that inhabited the slow moving creek. It was in those moments of being on my many adventures that I found my mind wondering and dreaming of life outside the beautiful valley. I dreamed of what it would be like to live in a bigger city. I could only imagine the adventures I could have living in such a place. I spent many years as a young girl lining up all my dolls and bears on my bed speaking and singing with a hair brush as a microphone. They were my pretend audience. I even practiced signing my name on pieces of paper making sure it was a fancy autograph. You know the kind you can barely read and looks like chicken scratch.
My mother was an avid reader and had a wonderful library. One specific afternoon, I went into the room where she kept her books and started looking through them. I came across one that when I read the title, I got chills. It read “Dare to Dream” by Florence Littauer. I knew this was a book I needed to read. The book resonated within my young heart and soul. I made Dare to Dream my mantra throughout my life.
Fast forward a few years. As I continued to live out my life Daring to Dream, I would reread Florence’s book, whenever possible. Believing that one day I, too, would have a book and teach others to follow their dreams. Life began to unfold in ways I could never have imagined. One Saturday afternoon, I was speaking at a large women’s event in Palm Springs; the room was full of bright and beautiful woman who had come to be inspired. I was thrilled to be speaking in my home state and only a couple of hours away for where I was living at the time. Can you say double blessing? The event was wonderful. I delighted in my ability to be transparent with the audience and encourage them to be open to life’s adventures. When the event was over, I was confronted once again with people who would have loved to have bought a book. I sadly didn’t have one. I desperately needed one but didn’t have a clue on how to make this happen.
When the event was over, a woman came up to me and expressed how much she would love to introduce me to her boss. I thought how lovely and looked around but didn’t see anyone close to her. She went on to tell me that her boss couldn’t make it, but she was sure she would want to meet me. She quickly took out her phone, dialed a number and proceeded to have a conversation with her boss. Then it happened, she handed me her phone and said, “Here, she would like to speak with you.” I still get chills to this day thinking about it. The lady on the other end said, “Well, my assistant must be pretty smitten with you because this is a first.” I quickly responded with a gracious thank you for the compliment. She went on to say that she would like to meet me. I told her I would love that. She said, “Let me give you my name and number and when you are by your appointment book call me and we will set something up.” I replied, “Wonderful.” I told her I had a pin and paper in my hand and to go ahead. Then it happened. She said, “My name is Florence Littauer.” I almost quit breathing! I said, “Excuse me, could you repeat that?” She said, “Sure” and said it again “Florence Littauer.” Well, at that point, you can only imagine how beyond excited, delighted, amazed and surreal I was feeling in that moment. She could tell I was fumbling around to compose myself. I went on to tell her, “When I am standing face to face with you, I would love to share my serendipity story.” She said she could hardly wait.
Several weeks later, I walked up to her front door, rang the door bell and stepped into her home, never to be the same. Florence was someone whom I had admired. I dreamed about being like her and here I was standing in her presence. The woman who had written the book that had been life changing for me as a young girl. I was feeling so incredibly blessed to have met her, let alone be mentored by her. She spent hours talking with me and sharing some of her stories throughout her career. She invested many afternoons in this blue-eyed girl, building me up through her words of encouragement and wisdom. My time with her was life changing. She was the one who helped me gain the knowledge and courage to become a published author and wrote a testimonial for my book.
Remember earlier, how I said I desperately needed a book? What are the chances that a young country girl would pick up her mother’s book and, years later, have the pleasure to meet and be mentored by the same author. Then, be motivated to put action behind the words “Dare to Dream” and make this her life’s mantra. What are the chances many years later, I would become a speaker and get to hold a real microphone? That I would be approached by a woman at a speaking event who coincidentally had a famous boss who was a speaker and author? Little did I know that in this moment in time” Serendipity” would take over and work her magic.
Throughout my lifetime, I’ve learned to expect and wait for the moments and magic of Serendipity to play out in my life.
Begin living life with the expectancy that something unexpected is headed your way. Life is full of amazing opportunities. Keep a watchful eye everyday. Serendipity is waiting to work her magic in your life, too. Be brave, dear one, and Dare to Dream!
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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