Do You Want to Thrive?
By Vital Germaine

Who doesn’t desire a sense of prosperity in their lives? Perhaps, the more important question is how do we establish and create that feeling or experience?
For many, prosperity means a life of fiscal achievement, lavish possessions or complete financial freedom, while for some it’s based on happiness void of materialism, yet others only desire love or to be in good health.
But, what if you could have all of the above granted to you by a modern-day genie that resides within an app, or the guarantee of achieving your dreams and desires via a 3-step program seen on a late-night infomercial? Yes, it’s too easy and too good to be true. Or is it?
Mainstream media enables us to hear, see and witness people who have money, celebrity and power, yet whose lives are empty, lonely and sad, ending in tragedy. From the outside, they appeared to have a life of material wealth that should mean happiness. Chester Bennington, lead singer of the band Linkin Park, recently chose to commit suicide for reasons that were not apparent on the outside. I listened to, and observed remarks on social media, ranging from sympathy to wondering how somebody with “everything” could make such a somber and sullen choice. He prospered in the traditional sense of monetary comfort and security. However, emotionally, he languished.
Prosperity is a state of mind, a feeling in our hearts that aligns with our wants, expectations and our attitude. It is an emotion: not a possession or a destination.
I remember when I first came to America in 1991 with nothing more than a dream lodged in my pocket and a heart pumping belief. A run-down, rat-infested studio atop a five-story walk-up in Manhattan was home. I sometimes counted pennies repeatedly to make sure I had enough for a subway token, the day’s rations and rent. Despite the one table and solitary chair that accompanied me in my room, and the disgusting shared bathroom, never before had I felt so motivated, focused and happy… rich!
I knew that monetary reward would arrive in due time as a by-product, but the excitement of becoming the dream provided the satisfaction, the gratitude and the poetry. I had all I needed; a dream, a sense of purpose, passion, conviction and a childlike wonderment of who and what I could and would become tomorrow. Inspiring and empowering others has become my new currency.
The secret to prosperity in its most encompassing form begins with thorough and profound introspection. This allows you to fully understand your most fundamental values and the prerequisites needed for you to feel complete and fulfilled. You must be honest with yourself no matter how selfish and unpopular your wants are, or how generous and considerate they are. Is being important essential to your self-worth? Is growth necessary to your sense of achievement? Does being powerful or influential validate the meaning of your life? Given that all men are created equal and endowed with undeniable rights that include Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, it is your life to lead. The next step is to create an action plan and execute, empowering you to self-actualize.
Not having our fundamental desires met is frequently the root cause of sadness, if not depression, and a sense of failure. Without fulfilling your emotional needs, you will struggle living a life of prosperity because there will always be emptiness in your soul searching for light. Money may be the conduit to reach your emotional expectations but it is not the actual Holy Grail unto itself.
I invite you to look deep inside to discover and reveal the ingredients you need to thrive and fly without a net, allowing you to live a life that fulfills and validates you on all levels: emotionally, spiritually, financially, mentally, and, of course, in a state of good health.
This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2017 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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