From the Editor
By Judi Moreo

Dear Readers,
Relationships are a vital part of our lives. We are constantly interacting with other people. Whether or not we are getting along with the important people in our lives determines, to a large extent, the quality of our lives. Make it a point to be conscious when you are making new connections and building relationships. Associate with positive, supportive people. Invest time in relationships which are nourishing. Build a strong, positive support team.
Be brave enough to ask for and accept the help of others. It’s a human and courageous thing to do. Gather your friends, family, and co-workers to support you in your quest for success. You need to know that others care and if you tell them what you need, they’ll help. Remember, others don’t know what to do for you unless you tell them what you need. If someone asks you what they can do for you, perhaps all you need to say is, “Be here with me.” Or “Hold my hand through this.” Or simply, “Believe in me.”
Seek out others who have been through what you are going through or who are headed in the same direction as you. Their support can be invaluable. People who have been through the circumstances you are dealing with can provide support and guidance — and are proof that you, too, will survive.
This past year and a half has helped many of us sort out what is really important to us and we have learned how to be a bit kinder to ourselves. Sometimes, we need to sift through our feelings about situations, people, and happenings in our lives in order to figure out what means the most to us.
Sometimes, it’s difficult to keep a positive attitude, especially when you have people around you who are negative and telling you what you should do, could do, or what they would do.
You are the only one who should be in control of your life and your well-being. Take charge of your relationships, be conscious of who you allow in your inner circle. Learn to say “No” to anything or anyone who doesn’t support you in creating your best life ever.
This issue, our writers have given you some tips and techniques for making positive connections and creating supportive relationships. Make it a habit to be conscious of what’s going on. You have the right to determine if any relationship contributes to your well-being and happiness. If it doesn’t, you have the responsibility to yourself to step back or walk away. The most important relationship you have is the one you have with yourself.
Remember, you are more than enough,
This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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