Are you sabotaging yourself?
Do you have a habit of doing things that you know are not good for you? Do you eat junk when you are stressed? Do you shop although your credit cards are already overextended? Do you buy things you don’t really need instead of paying your bills? Then, do you feel more stress and wonder why you did these things to yourself, when you logically know better?
Your bad habits may be more serious than you think. They are possibly your subconscious effort to deal with a much deeper feeling of worthlessness and self-sabotage. If you truly desire to stop these behaviors and correct the self-betrayal you are experiencing, you must find out the real cause of what’s going on. You must become aware of what is keeping you from doing, being, having what you really desire.
Many of us live inside boundaries of our own making. We ignore our wants, needs, and expectations because we are taking care of the wants, needs, and expectations of others. Then we feel put upon or used. We are trying to do what is right or healthy or admirable rather than what we really want to do. Sometimes it works. Most times it doesn’t, because it’s not our real desire.
Join Choices host, Judi Moreo, author of “You Are More Than Enough,” as she discusses why we do the things we do and how we can raise our self-esteem in order to stop the self-sabotage. Learn how to begin caring for yourself compassionately and get rid of those bad habits. Learn to self-empower rather than self-sabotage.
Judi will give you a three-step process for figuring out what you really want, getting it, and gaining a new sense of self-confidence in order for you to stop the sabotage.

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