We can’t teach happiness. We can’t make other people happy. We can’t force people to be happy. We can’t even create happiness by giving them material things. We certainly can’t make someone else happy by giving up things in our own lives. In the process of attempting to make others happy, we deny ourselves the infinite joys of life. Happiness is our own responsibility. Each and every one of us chooses whether or not we are happy or unhappy. We’ve all known people who have almost everything money can buy and still they are miserable.
Happy people have goals, dreams, desires, wants, and needs. They develop an attitude of “happy.” This is done through their self-talk. They chose to deliberately and consciously talk to themselves in a positive manner.
When we talk to ourselves in a positive manner, we are taking steps toward everything we desire in life — successful relationships, financial freedom, material possessions, happiness, and self-confidence. So how do you do it? How can you be happy and passionate every day when you are dealing with the stresses of life?
Join Choices host, Judi Moreo, author of You Are More Than Enough, as she shares tips and techniques for making yourself happy and staying that way.

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