Are people who talk to themselves really crazy?  If they are, then we must be too!  We all talk to ourselves.  We have a commentary running through our brains about people and events around us, and how we feel about both.  It is often referred to as our internal dialogue.  Most of the time, we aren’t even aware of it.

In addition, we have a critic in our head that has its own running commentary.  Our critic tells us how we feel about situations we are in and whether or not we are coping with each situation,  This critic can destroy us if we all it to give us “bad” reviews of our performance.

Join Judi as she talks about ways that you can talk to yourself in a positive manner and emphasizes that your opinion of you is vitally important.  She will give you tips and techniques for building your self-concept so that you can ensure your success.

Your Self-Concept Determines Your Success