Reclaiming Balance:
Simple Self-Care Strategies for a Healthier You

By Dr. Sola Togun-Butler, USA

We have all encountered the adage, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” Yet, many individuals operate on an empty cup due to the perceived lack of time for self-care. This mindset can ultimately lead to burnout. The belief that self-care requires significant time investment often deters individuals from engaging in it. Many associate self-care with lengthy gym sessions or commuting to fitness classes, which can be discouraging. However, it is crucial to recognize that self-care does not need to be complicated or time-consuming. We must challenge the notion that self-care requires extensive time commitments and develop a self-care plan that aligns with our busy schedules. Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity for fostering a healthier self.

While the term “self-care” is frequently used, its definition can vary. Self-care entails prioritizing our well-being without guilt and engaging in activities that enhance our emotional, physical, and mental health. It involves striking a balance between caring for others and attending to our needs, grounded in the belief that we deserve care and attention.

What are some potential barriers to self-care? In my experience as a therapist and coach, many women express that they lack time for self-care. They often juggle multiple responsibilities, including full-time work, child-rearing, caring for elderly parents, pursuing education, and managing household duties. Additionally, societal expectations often condition women to place themselves last, resulting in guilt when attempting to prioritize their needs. Traditional gender roles that position women as primary caregivers reinforce the idea that their well-being is secondary to that of others. This can lead to chronic stress and burnout.

Photo by Sebastian Voortman

Another significant barrier is a limited understanding of self-care. Many individuals equate self-care with time-consuming activities, such as extended workouts or lengthy classes, rendering the concept unattainable. This perception can exacerbate overwhelming feelings, contributing to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion.

To restore balance, we must adopt the belief that self-care should be proactive rather than reactive. The initial step is to challenge the idea that self-care should be a last resort. It should instead be a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. Achieving balance requires establishing healthy boundaries in both our professional and personal relationships. Setting boundaries is not a sign of weakness; it demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to self-care. We need to recognize when requests may adversely affect our well-being. Many women I work with express discomfort in declining requests, often leading to exhaustion and resentment after acquiescing. Even if saying “no” feels daunting, we can express that we are currently unavailable and propose an alternative time that respects our well-being.

To minimize work-related stress, we can implement boundaries, such as refraining from responding to emails after hours, reserving weekends for self-care, and addressing additional workload requests that may exacerbate stress. Additionally, creating a self-care plan is essential for integrating self-care into our daily routines. A self-care plan involves committing to engaging in activities that alleviate stress each day. This can be as simple as dedicating 5-10 minutes daily to self-care activities. For instance, review your calendar to identify short time slots for activities such as taking a brisk walk, doing office chair stretches, practicing wall Pilates, or engaging in mindfulness exercises that soothe the senses (what can you see, hear, smell, touch, or taste that is comforting?). Regardless of your busy schedule, you can find a few minutes each day for self-care. Ask yourself, “What is my plan today to care for my emotional, physical, and mental health?” As flight attendants advise before takeoff, “Put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others.” It is time to prioritize your well-being, as self-care is vital for optimal functioning.

This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2024 issue of CHOICES Magazine