The Best of Everything
By Joan S. Peck
If you’re like me, you want the best of everything. But when it comes down to it, what does that mean? For some, it might be owning the most expensive item; for others, it could be having the most coveted things in their lives according to society. But what about those who are looking for love or success? Those can’t be measured by a single yardstick because what one considers to be the best love or the greatest success doesn’t have to be in alignment with what someone else thinks. It all depends on the individual’s perspective, doesn’t it? So, when I was asked what I personally thought was the greatest masterpiece that I’d seen so far in life, I had to give it thought.
To me, the word masterpiece immediately brings art to mind. I love art. Most any art brings out in me an emotional reaction to its beauty. Certainly, that was what happened each time I visited various museums and places around the world, and saw exquisite paintings, sculptures, glass works, different architecture, and so much more. It would be difficult for me to pick one piece of art as the ultimate masterpiece because each creation has something unique and beautiful to share, no matter the medium.
I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. I thought about a recent visit to a friend’s house to view her new baby. I know I’m not alone in my reaction when I look at a newborn baby; I think as humans most of us tend to react the same. We marvel at all the baby’s intricacies and the perfection of each finger and toe; each tiny eyebrow and eyelash, and each sound they make. We are awed because the baby represents something beyond ourselves, and we are humbled.
And that is when I knew what my greatest masterpiece is—the spiritual energy that ties all of us together. The energy of God, Buddha, or whatever name you give it. It’s that inner knowing energy that helps to guide us to live the best way possible and comes with us into each new life we experience.
It’s that same energy that delights us with a sunny day, or blows a warm breeze around us and ruffles our hair, or lifts our heart when listening to the sweet song of a bird, or brings us joy when seeing a flower peeking up from the earth, or makes us laugh when we watch our pets at play, or comforts us at a time of loss of a loved one, or makes us hold our breath when watching someone perform a feat, or makes us proud when we see a positive act of human kindness.
It is that energy that makes life worth living. It reminds us that difficult times pass, and no matter what is going on in our lives, we are never alone. We are part of something that is bigger than ourselves and worth holding onto. It is that energy that we need to live the best life possible and is within our reach anytime we need to connect to it, and that to me is the best of everything—the masterpiece.
This article originally appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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