Tracey Starr: Entrepreneur, Consultant, Author, and Speaker
By Judi Moreo

Tracey Starr (Samlow) is a fun-loving serial entrepreneur; business, marketing, public relations, and personal development consultant; multiple #1 Amazon best-selling author; inspirational speaker; promotor of conscious expert entrepreneurs (Miracle Messengers™️), products, and services; Body~Mind~Spirit Coach; and Heart 2 Heart Connector™️.
She is also a respected leader known for her entrepreneurial spirit and philanthropic dedication. Tracey devotes her life to giving and making a positive impact in this world. She seeks spiritual partnerships where sharing and giving back are part of the mission. Tracey works with some of the most renowned transformational leaders around the globe assisting them in growing their communities, sharing their gifts, and spreading their messages to raise the consciousness of humanity to wake up and live their dreams.
Tracey is a conscious connector of people and information and is often the source of innovative collaborations in many fields of interest. With decades of experience as a business owner and independent consultant/coach, Tracey has offered a variety of services to her clients that span the range of total business and financial management; marketing and sales development; operations, organization, and systems implementation, maintenance; joint venture and affiliate relationship management; interview marketing and podcast show bookings; and heart-centered customer-focused service. Tracey now dedicates most of her time to working with experts in the personal development world, but she still plays in the hospitality, food service, health, and wellness industries.
Tracey’s current passion projects:
- JV Insider Circle – JV and Community Director – connecting conscious A and B List experts for joint venture partnerships and affiliate support. – an interview marketing company connecting guest experts with targeted podcast show hosts to build credibility, grow audiences, and monetize messages. - – a lifestyle and wellness company serving humanity with luscious experiences.
- Facebook/Group/#300WishList – an inspirational personal development group sharing the manifestation power of lists and other valuable tools for creating a life by design.
- Co-Host of with Bob Doyle from The Secret – an edutainment show with comedy, animation, silliness, and some virtual reality (VR) fun for almost all ages.
She also works with several Miracle Messengers™️ with business, marketing and public relation advice and connections.

When we first met, you were starting your PR company. Tell us a bit about your background and why you decided to start this new business?
I started Starrz PR as a natural next step in my life journey. One of my innate gifts is that I am a natural born networker and heart-centered connector of people and resources.
The idea for the business was sparked while connecting with Judi Moreo one afternoon for lunch. We were talking about all the wonderful people we know and it suddenly became clear what we should do… create an opportunity to have a bigger voice for ourselves and our communities. It was Time to Shine!!!
I was already booking my entrepreneur clients on podcast shows as part of my consulting business, so why not make the interview marketing part it’s own business!?! It was a fun service of connecting experts and show hosts, which I enjoyed. And with all our influencer connections, it had the potential to be a successful venture.
We talked about how we both had a special place in our hearts for stars… Judi’s story is about her Dad giving her gold stars for achieving her goals. Mine is with my Grandparents and a homemade card with a gold “You’re A Star!” on it that I was given as a gift of encouragement when I landed the lead in the 6th grade school musical. So with a business plan in place, Starrz PR was born!
From my background in theatre and acting, I ensure that we offer more than just booking guests on podcast shows. Starrz PR Members receive 1:1 interview and on-camera preparation coaching. I help them with showing up as the best version of themselves, auditing their brand, self-image, studio setup, interview skills, marketing funnels, and most importantly… mindset.
In addition, I consciously help connect them to quality resources, teams, and vendors, should they wish to scale their business. Based upon their goals, I give guidance to effectively monetize their message, and grow their business and community online with interview and JV/affiliate connections. And as needed, I’ll make recommendations for connections that create win/win/win solutions to achieve their goals so they can positively impact more lives.
And, Judi is available for confidence and achievement coaching, if anyone needs an extra boost.

Why Starrz PR?
We are looking to not only help Starrz PR Members get booked with interviews and get their message out, but we help them monetize their message. It’s important for them to create successful (profitable) businesses so they have the time and financial freedom they need to be leaders and achieve their goals, manifest their #300WishList, and live their dreams. This alone inspires others to do the same!
You see, for over 20 years I have had the great fortune to play the roles of Business Owner / Founder / Partner / President / C-Executive / General Manager / Consultant and Coach in over 20 successful businesses – online / brick-n-mortar and profit / non-profit. I LOVE business! It’s not work for me. Well, maybe a little… but I am so passionate about helping others live their best lives that I dedicate most of my life working with other conscious entrepreneurs to collaborate on projects that uplift, inspire, motivate, and support humanity in waking up. We can live our dreams! And we can have a luscious life. 🙂
Fun Facts: I’ve worked in multiple “industries” including…
- Entertainment and media distribution
- Supply-chain, sustainable logistics, and recycled packaging
- Turnaround management, distressed business and financial consulting working with troubled companies assisting them with bankruptcies, mergers and acquisitions
- Hospitality, restaurants, on and off-premise catering, cafeteria dining, large-scale special events (10k), venue management, and retail food store
- Theatre, arts and fundraising
- Holistic and integrative health, wellness, and fitness
- Personal development and spirituality
- Business development and leadership training
- Marketing (interview, online / digital, JV / Affiliate, social media) and public relations
Since 2012, I have primarily provided online business, marketing and PR consulting for entrepreneurs… mostly solopreneurs… speakers, authors, and coaches. The majority of my focus is working with experts in personal and business development, making JV/affiliate and interview connections.
With gratitude I can say that I’ve successfully run multi-million dollar organizations and launched million dollar+ online businesses. I have the know-how, resources, and the relationships to help make a difference in our world. I am extremely appreciative for all the opportunities that have graced my life!
Who influenced you?
I have two amazing mentors that I wish to give a shout out to…
Debra Poneman, founder of She mentored Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Janet Attwood, and countless other transformational leaders… including me. Debra is my Angel. She became my dear friend years before asking me to work with her in launching her Your Year of Miracles online program with Marci Shimoff. Debra connected me to world renowned thought leaders and experts in personal development and The Secret, which led to my own personal and professional transformation. It was her conscious connections that moved me to Las Vegas and ultimately led me to living with my perfect partner, Bob Doyle. I am eternally grateful to Debra for helping me live my dreams and become the best version of me.
Judi Moreo, founder of Turning Point International (and Choices Magazine). Without Judi, there would be no Starrz PR. She motivated me to take action and move the needle to take my business to the next level. Judi is my dear friend… she’s my advocate and accountability partner. With her inspiration, I started the #300WishList Facebook Group and have now helped almost 800 people write their Wish List of 300 items they wish to have, do, be or experience in their lives. We have members all over the world that claimed to have cured their fibromyalgia, turned their rags to riches, and otherwise manifested experiences they never dreamed possible. Judi helped me do this… she truly is a world class Achievement Coach!
What inspired you?
The book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, inspired me to become an entrepreneur in 1997. After majoring in theatre and minoring in art, I went back to school for accounting and started working in the turnaround management and financial business consulting world. This led me to buying an off-premise catering and special events company with my then husband, and successfully opening two other hospitality businesses during the following decade.
The movie, The Secret, was my wake-up call that inspired me to change my life for the better. Watching it, I finally had confirmation that there were other people on the planet that thought like I did. I decided to focus on helping others to better their lives too. I eventually quit hospitality and became an expert in personal development, health, wellness, program development, marketing (digital, affiliate, and interview), and public relations. It’s my personal mission to help wake-up others to manifest their dreams and live their best lives now.
I am also inspired by the book, Think and Grow Rich, which is a roadmap for success. I teach it’s principles with my #300WishList group.
Other thought leaders (I call them Miracle Messengers™️) give me inspiration with their wisdom and knowledge that helps humanity and our world live better, healthier, happier, more abundant, unconditionally loving lives… and I want to share those messages with as many people around the globe as I possibly can.
Your life looks so glamorous. Do you feel you have a glamorous life?
Awe, thanks! I so appreciate you asking this, as I normally don’t think about myself that way, but… I have had an amazing life filled with lots of twists and turns that have given me extraordinary experiences that most people only dream of.
Yes, I guess I do feel like I have a glamorous life, when I think about it!
It’s true that I have been blessed with celebrity friends and conscious connections, and I am sometimes offered glamorous life experiences. I was the President of The (Jeremy’s family theatre), and have worked with musical talents like Richard Marx, Diana Ross, Jon Secada, and The Smashing Pumpkins.
When I had my hospitality businesses… I hosted some of the greatest parties and largest events of all time feeding global leaders like Oprah, President Obama, Margaret Thatcher, and other dignitaries… Chicago sport teams and celebrity athletes… elite universities, Fortune 100 companies, and Nobel Peace Prize winners… internationally known musicians and entertainers… too many to mention.
I’ve served on several other boards of directors for Rotary, The Chamber of Commerce, and The Senior Resource Foundation (now Midlife Ventures). I supported The Gene Siskel Film Center and Art Institute of Chicago, among many other non-profits.
And of course, I still work with thought leaders in transformation and personal development from The Secret. My favorite celebs!
I have also acted in films, tv commercials, and been featured in print and other media. I’ve been interviewed countless times, and can be found doing LIVES promoting conscious products or services.
Occasionally I still do voice overs, which is fun side work for me now. Kinda glamorous, I guess.
Plus, I co-host… which while it’s not gone viral yet, is still glamorous in it’s own right.
So yes, yes, I feel grateful for being gifted a glamorous life.

What has been the biggest surprise you’ve encountered?
My divorce and #singlemomsyndrome. In 2014 I was hit with a cosmic 2×4 when my husband of two decades very suddenly left our marriage. I was more than surprised… I was in shock and lost in my abandonment. The trauma was devastating in so many ways, but the life lessons that came out of the last 7 years of hell have been the greatest gifts I never would have asked for! Seriously.
I’ve learned so much about who I am, who I want to be, and how I want to show up in the world. I learned that we all have our own journeys and we cannot live within other’s expectations, giving up parts of ourselves to please others. And I’m learning to create stronger boundaries so that I no longer settle for anything less than what I most desire. The traumas I have experienced have given me new perspectives, made me stronger, very humble, and gifted me massive opportunities for my own personal growth and self-love.
Gratefully, I have been blessed to work mostly in the personal development world so I had some of the world’s greatest transformational leaders guide me through my traumas into healing and forgiveness. I have learned many modalities such as Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Access Consciousness, Soma Breathing, Emotional Freedom Technique, and PSTec to help me eliminate my blocks and open up my life to limitless possibilities!
I now have a friendly relationship with my ex-husband, and our children are learning the true meaning of unconditional love.
My Lessons…
- Everything in life happens for us, not to us!
- Look for the positives… there are silver linings to everything you have to be grateful for!
- It may suck today, but everything in life is temporary. Be strong and have patience.
- Trust and have faith that it’s all Divine!
What is your proudest moment?
Honestly, I can say that I prefer “gratitude” over “pride”. Different energy and perspective.
Either way, I do not have just one moment to share. Being a mom of two amazing kids has given me countless moments to be grateful for or proud of. Being an entrepreneur, I’ve received numerous awards and accolades that have made me feel appreciated for the work I do. Being a mentor and leader, I’ve been the catalyst to miracles happening in other people’s lives that give me a sense of great fulfillment and gratitude. Too many moments to mention.

Tracey with Bob Doyle
You have a partner who has a best selling book and speaks on stages around the world? Is that intimidating?
Um, you know Bob, right!?! (For those that do not…
While he may be a celebrity in his own right, being a featured expert in the global phenomenon, The Secret, Bob is one of the most down-to-Earth, authentic, heart-centered souls I’ve ever known. There is nothing intimidating about him or the success that he has had.
To the contrary, Bob is my inspiration… my perfect and equal partner. He encourages me to be my authentic self; to play BIG; and to live my dreams. Bob helps me daily to grow past my traumas and programming, and focus on the life I wish for.
Living and being in love with a thought leader is one of the greatest gifts of my life! Bob’s work with brain rewiring, neuroplasticity, and the Law of Attraction is helping me be the best version of me I can be, each and every day.
Plus, we work together in collaboration, never competition. We’ve created, Make Out Magic (, and are working on several other projects together, including the #300WishList, his Transformational Personality Type ( and The Boundless Living Challenge.
I’m so grateful for Bob!

What have been the biggest challenges you have faced?
Overcoming my negative self-talk has been my biggest challenge.
I know that I do not face this alone, but my wiring has been that I automatically look for what’s wrong in every situation. Seemingly, so I can find a solution and fix it to make life better… which I most often do! But the self-judgements weigh heavy on me to where I sometimes get stuck in beating myself up. Part of this stems from being bullied by narcissists, but part of this stems from my own lack of confidence.
Often we are programmed for self-doubt, fear, and the worst self-sabotage. It takes daily practice to consistently and consciously work to change the narrative of the voice in our heads to be positive and supportive.
Visualizing, meditation, and feeling into the life I wish to live, instead of worrying about the life situations I have currently, helps me move through these negative thought patterns. Also, celebrating my wins today and trusting that my losses are actually future wins, as they were life lessons that I needed to experience to guide me to living up to my fullest potential. I’m always striving to be the best version of me now!
Again, trust and have faith it’s all Divine!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Again, “the best” is a relative concept and difficult to state, as I’ve been given priceless advice over my years by many Miracle Messengers™️.
The most recent “best advice” was from Mel Robbins… The 5 Second Rule. It’s a life hack to trick your brain to move past your feelings when you do not want to do something and launch into action before your subconscious mind stops you from showing up the way you want to show up. Countdown 5-4-3-2-1! Check it out… I promise it works to get you moving towards accomplishing your goals like never before!

Tracey with her children, Anthony and Amber Samlow.
What was the most important decision you ever made?
My most important decision that I ever made was to be a Mom. It’s also my most important role in life and the one I am most grateful for. Anthony and Amber are my most precious connections!!
I grew up always wanting to create my own loving family. I wanted two kids… a boy and a girl. What a blessing when I was able to give life to my son and daughter. Being able to nurture and watch them grow into amazing people is the greatest joy of my life!
What are your best business connections?
Expert entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, and coaches hire me to connect them for joint ventures, podcast interviews, and vendor resources, because most are trying to build their business alone, and don’t know how to market, network, or monetize their offers.
So I help them connect with joint venture partners, podcasts hosts with their target audience with interview marketing strategies, and vendor resources to build their teams so they can effectively scale their business.
My best connections are made with experts interested in being JV/affiliate partners, getting booked on targeted podcasts, or building their teams so they can monetize their messages and offers.
I LOVE networking and do so weekly with local and global business groups so I am constantly expanding my connections.
Do you make conscious connections?
YES! I intentionally surround myself with heart-centered, positive people with integrity, so it’s easy for me to make conscious connections with the intention of creating win/win/win experiences for all concerned.
Whether it’s personal or professional, I do my best to be a valuable resource for my community by networking and making quality introductions. It’s part of my purpose to help conscious messengers (Miracle Messengers™️), have their voice heard and share their message out to the world so together with other conscious leaders we can make a positive global impact.
I’m blessed to be able to do this with Starrz PR, JV Insider Circle, and my #300WishList group.
One of my #300WishList items is to positively impact as many people as possible before I leave this world. My first benchmark is 1 Million… stretch goal 100 Million people.
And I cannot do that alone! Conscious connections are what makes spreading love, sharing powerful transformational messages, and creating global change possible. Enrolling my friends and business partners to support other amazing humans is what I do best!
We all have unique stories, gifts and talents. I wish to inspire everyone with mine, to live authentically and manifest their dreams by reaching out and sharing with others.
Otherwise known as making… Conscious Connections. 🙂
Thank you, Tracey, for all that you share and for the incredible example you set for all of us.
This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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