Unanswered Prayers
By Gina Geldbach-Hall

“Thank God for unanswered prayers…” A quote from a Garth Brooks song I have heard many times, each time appreciating the sentiment. It started in college when I wanted to be in a sorority so bad I could taste it but didn’t make the grades I needed to be initiated. That incident made me turn tail and run back home into a series of decisions that ultimately lead to my hiring in the fire service.
I know if I had made my grades that year, been initiated and stayed in Reno, my life would have turned out very differently; not better or worse, but significantly different. Those unanswered prayers were the start to a journey never considered as a freshman in college.
Twists and turns in life propel us to reach new levels of wisdom and understanding not possible without the unexpected bumps in the road. I’ve come to appreciate them even if they are heartbreaking and hard to come to terms with at times. For example, I had been volunteering my graphic designing talent for an organization I loved and was finally starting to see a vision come together, all their advertising having a cohesive and recognizable format, when I was fired. Now, a few would say I wasn’t “fired” but when they ask you not to do it, some might consider that fired even if I received no pay. I will admit, I was hurt deeply and felt betrayed but as I look back, there was a huge silver lining in my “firing”.
That act opened up my days and the talent I had obtained after years of honing my graphic design skills took me to a new level in my artwork. I was able to cultivate my talent for re-mastering photographs into works of art I’m now selling. Had I still been doing graphic designing for them, I’m pretty sure this other skill would not have emerged as it has. Sometimes, our worst days become our greatest gifts disguised as a ‘bad’ thing.
It was the blending of my previous experience coupled with a desire to follow my heart that lead to a series, that at the time didn’t seem to connect, bringing me to the point I am now. It really boils down to attitude, I could be super heartbroken and made that my new ‘normal’, or, I could pull up my boot straps and follow the bread crumbs to a new and potentially wonderful future.
Sometimes, the best thing that can happen is to be “fired” so you can start following your heart. Not all roads are paved but the prettiest scenery is usually in the back roads off the beaten path. Don’t be afraid to take the scenic route now and then, you’ll never know what you might discover and how you’ve been preparing for it all your life.
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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