Use a Vision Board to Help Achieve Your Goals
By Choices Magazine Staff

If you’ve ever thought about creating a vision board but didn’t. Or, if you think vision boards are stupid and a waste of time, you’re not alone. In general, most people simply don’t understand the use of a vision board. But if done properly, a vision board truly can help you achieve your goals.
Vision Boards Set Intentions
Vision boards can be instrumental in helping you solidify your goals. This is because people often struggle with visualizing their goals. Once you create your vision board, your goal will become more visual and seem more within reach. Not only that, but according to manifestation expert Pazit Perez, making a vision board can also help you manifest your dreams into the world.
A vision board helps you keep the bigger picture in mind. So even if you do suffer a minor setback, you’ll be able to reference your vision board and remember why you are doing the things that you are doing. So, if you’re on the fence about taking the time to make a vision board, don’t be. No matter how big or far-fetched the goal, looking at your vision board daily will help you on the path to the achievement of that goal.
Use One Vision Board For A Combination Of Goals
Sometimes when creating a vision board, you may get caught up in thinking that it is for one goal and one goal only. And it can be. But it can also be used for several goals…one in each area of your life i.e. Relationships, Education, Health, Finances, Career, Travel.
Yes, a vision board should focus on a main goal, but it should also include a number of side goals which you can work towards achieving on the way to your big goal. This way you won’t feel like you aren’t accomplishing anything on your vision board, especially if the goal you are working towards is really big. It will help you feel as if your dream is always within your reach. And if you feel like your goal is within your reach, you’re much more likely to achieve it.
Placement Is Important
Besides making the board, where you place it is also critical to its success in your life. If you make a vision board, and then bury it in your closet where you can’t see it, or if you put it in a room you rarely walk into, chances are you will forget about it and everything you did will be for nothing.
So, after you have made your vision board, you place it somewhere you will see it every day, such as in the kitchen, on the bathroom mirror, or even in your garage so when you pull your car in, that board is right in front of you. This way it can be a daily inspiration and keep you focused, even when the day may not have gone your way.
Also remember that vision boards don’t have to be physical, especially in this day and age, an online tool for creating a vision board might be especially helpful if you work on your computer on a daily basis. Just make sure you don’t bury your digital vision board in a myriad of internet tabs, and that you refer back to it often. The best placement is to make it your screen saver.
Besides helping you achieve your goals, creating a vision board can be a fun experience. So even if you doubt their power, it’s time to set that aside and take a chance on something new.
Chanel your crafty side, incorporate lots of different colors, words, and pictures. Date it. Put it where you will see it frequently. You will probably be surprised by how quickly your visions become reality.
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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