What’s Logic Got to do With It?
By Justin Weis

During the summer of 1999, after having lunch at a non-descript sandwich shop on the west side of town, I walked outside and had a ‘mental push’ that caused me to desire to drive to the opposite side of Ellensburg, Washington to get an ice cream cone. That ice cream cone was followed by a series of meaningful coincidences that helped me make radically different decisions about my future and forever changed the path my life.
Divine appointments, string theory, meaningful coincidences or synchronizations; are all terms commonly used to describe those instances that either put you on your path in life, sidetrack the plan that you once held so dearly or confirm that you are going in the direction for which you were destined.
Having the opportunity to write this article seems to be one of those instances. While reading Dr. Caroline Leaf’s book, Switch On Your Brain last week, she addressed the quantum physics ‘Law of Entanglement’ which states that relationship is the defining characteristic of everything in space and time. Fascinatingly enough, soon after reading about the Law of Entanglement and how atomic or even sub-atomic particles weave everything together, I was informed that my wife was asked to write about the topic of synchronicity.
Suddenly, I was paying much closer attention to the pages I was turning in Dr. Leaf’s book as it has much to do with this topic, and obviously, I am to be mindful of it at this point in my life. Being an avid believer in another law (with less quantum physics explanations), the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, I quickly recognized that I needed to offer to write an article for my wife. Or perhaps for me. Or perhaps for a reader. Who I can’t be sure of, but I know when synchronization is experienced regarding anything which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy; your attention, and likely, action is required.
How do we determine when we are experiencing synchronization and what should we do when it is recognized? When synchronicity occurs, you know it. It is not by accident that you recognize the connection of seemingly random events in specific order in time. Something is happening within you at that point which is driving you to look for confirmation.
Going back to 1999, while I was standing outside that sandwich shop on the west end of Ellensburg, I knew that I wanted my life to change. I knew that I was not excited about where I was at that time of my life. Did I believe an ice cream cone would change the course of my future? Absolutely not, but I remember having curiosity and willingness to drive past 3 other storefronts which served that cool treat to specifically arrive at a chain ice cream parlor that I had never sought out before. On that mid-July day, I did not listen to details or logic.
Details and logic recognize that a Dairy Queen was at the other end of the parking lot from that sandwich store. Instead, I followed whatever led me. Most of these connections that come together are unrelated and meaningless to the average person, but for the individual who understands their meaning; it makes a world of difference. I can guarantee, that if I attempted to explain the synchronicities that twisted me down the path in life that I have followed thus far; you would be lost by the second turn. As for me though, following those synchronicities have led me to my wonderful wife of the last 13 years, Alisa Weis and two wonderful children.
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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