Do you work or live with a person that makes the room better just by leaving?  Yes, we all know them.  Can you give enough positive attention to make their day?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Listen in as Choices host, Judi Moreo, author of “You Are More Than Enough” shares with you some ideas for helping others feel better about themselves.  If you are thinking, “Too much work!,” for sure you’ll want to listen.  And even join in the discussion.

Understanding why someone is consistently negative is one of the first steps in helping him change his attitude.  It’s often not possible to know what’s going on in another person’s life, so we may have to extend the benefit of the doubt, but even more important is understanding ourselves.  Why do we react or respond to others as we do?  Is there anything you can do to keep the negativity from affecting you?  Is there anything you should stop doing?

Don’t let the behavior of others limit you.  See them for what they really are and understand that you have the power to control your emotions.  How you deal with these people and situations is up to you.  Your positive attitude will make a bad situation tolerable and a good one great.  How you handle yourself when dealing with these people can make you happier, healthier, and more successful.

Judi has taught her popular course, “How to Deal With Difficult People”  in seminars and workshops to thousands of audiences throughout the world and now she is sharing these skills with you.  Take advantage of this opportunity today.

Can You Make Their Day?