From the Editor

By Judi Moreo

Judi Moreo

Is there really such a thing as destiny? Is there some hidden power which controls what will happen to us in the future? Is there a predetermined course of events that determines the future? If so, does that mean we have no choices?

As you know, I believe we always have choices. Just as I believe that fate and destiny are not the same thing. Fate, to me, means that a person, incident, or experience is put in front of us. Destiny is determined by the choice we make as to what to do with it.

I know sometimes it feels as though it was fate that we met that special person and it may have been, but how we develop that relationship or not will determine our destiny.

Sometimes it feels as though fate brought us to this special place and it could well have been but whether or not we make the choice to stay there will determine our destiny.

Most of us believe when bad things happen, it was probably for a reason. It may have been fate that made it happen, but we determine our destiny by looking for the reason.

In this issue, our writers explore the subjects of destiny and fate from various angles. They have given us food for thought. As you read their stories, think about the parts that “fate” and “destiny” play in your lives and how you can shape your future.

And remember, you are more than enough,

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of CHOICES Magazine