Your Destiny Decision: How to Know You Are Aligned With Destiny

By Holly Duckworth

Your Destiny Decision - How to Know You Are Aligned With Destiny

According to the Science of Spirituality, 65% of our lives are ruled by destiny and 35% by willful action. Yet, from a young age, we are taught we need to be in control of every action of our life. Is it possible we never were in control to begin with? As I work with words and their spiritual application to the world, I have come to know that we have less control, and more influence to align our lives with destiny than we often allow ourselves to be aware of. What we focus on increases. Society encourages us to numb ourselves with food, alcohol, drugs both prescription and non-prescription. These acts can close us off to our destiny.

When I see statistics like the one above, I ask, how do they know, 65%? Who did they ask? Is this good data? Then, it hits me maybe this data does not even matter. What matters is my ability to define, experience, and quantify my own definition and application of destiny. For me, the definition of destiny is also found in breaking it down to an acronym D=Desire E=Energy S=Spirit T=Trust I=Intention N=New Thoughts and Y= Yes. I am living my destiny as I allow the energy of my Spirit desires to create new thoughts and intentions that are a yes for me. I choose to see, hear, sense and know my destiny and you can too, here is how:

As you live your life, how do you define destiny? How do you know when you are living your destiny?

Pay attention to what you see:
Are there things you see often? For example, a combination of numbers or time. When you see them do you take note? An example in my life I see 11:11 a lot. This can be interpreted to be alignment with the One Power. Do you see certain birds or flowers? Everything is a sign, or nothing is. Ask that item what it is trying to tell you. Listen for its response. Or, Google “spiritual meaning of ___” and let the experts guide you to destiny’s message for you.

Pay attention to what you hear:
For many, music can play a huge role in living destiny. is there a song that you continue to hear? When you jump in the car, what is the first song on the radio? Each morning my heart hears the song “You Are the Reason” by Calum Scott. For me, this song and each word in it is a Spirit message. What song may be speaking to you?

Pay attention to what sense:
When we no longer numb ourselves with outside influences, we become mindful each moment. This makes us more aware of our intuitive sensing. As you develop this skill, you can use it more. I practice this all the time in the car. I ask my inner guidance what direction to drive. Time after time it routes me around accidents and gets me to my destination faster as I align with the synchronistic nature of Spirit.

If you want to increase your connection to destiny to live a mindful life, spend this month paying attention to what you see, hear, sense and know. Record your outcomes. Are there repeating patterns?

My life aligns with a power greater than I am in wonderful and mysterious ways. I celebrate the days where the alignment brings joy and celebrate the alignment on the days that bring challenges, and in the end, I know the world is conspiring for my good. This is the destiny decision. Pay attention this month. Let me know how your destiny is leaving messages in your life. Write to me at:

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2019 issue of CHOICES Magazine