Attitude of Gratitude
By Kim Bullock-Hennix

Creating a life that is fulfilling is a personal responsibility. We must genuinely learn how to take adversity and transition our thinking to a higher empowered state of solutions. It should not matter if the problem is direct, indirect, or out of our control. When we change our habits, we change our life. When we change our thinking, we change the process. Transitioning from complaining to gratitude expands our circle of influence. The greatest character-building moments are when we choose to respond to a circumstance powerfully instead of reacting piteously.
We must learn not to alienate ourselves and live in the vicious cycle of regret. Every day is a new beginning to thrive and multiply your success. It was not until I made a conscious decision, which changed my life, to study the habits of successful people. One thing that I noticed is that they each implemented an attitude of gratitude. They took their past pain or failures and used them as steppingstones and the true brilliant ones monetized them to earn a living.
Choose a daily activity that you can do to enhance your personal development. When we work on ourselves, our environment will begin to change externally after completing the work internally. Here are 3 tips to increase your thankfulness.
1. Rescind all negative past invitations to pity parties. Today is a new beginning for you to take back your power of appreciation.
2. Start acknowledging the small things so when the big improvements happen, you will feel a sense of progress.
3. Invest in self-care. Stop neglecting your physical and mental health needs. Nurture your mind, body, and soul with tender loving care.
Applying these simple tips will allow you to experience a rewarding life and benefit from the goodness of life’s changes. Choose today to be the difference you want to see in the world.
This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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