CHOICES Magazine
Autumn 2019 Self-Improvement Issue
Online Article Archive
The Magical State of Allowing
When I first started to meditate decades ago, I gradually began to see that meditation is nothing more or less than simply allowing everything to be as it is. It really is that simple.
When is Enough, Enough?
We live in an environment that continually reminds us that we’re not enough—that we need to have more and be more—and it’s up to us to improve ourselves to become someone other than who we are at the moment.
Cancer Revealed My True Beauty
Have you ever felt like your identity was on trial? Or your self-image or self-esteem?
The Motivating Morning Routine
How would it feel to start your day motivated and organized? It would be great, wouldn’t it? You’d know what you were doing, that everything was sorted and you’d feel brilliant.
Southwest Launch of the Global Women’s Peace Network in the USA
Do you think that women need to play a role in peacemaking? This is one of the questions answered during the Global Women’s Peace Network (GWPN) conference recently held in Las Vegas.
Self-Improvement Through Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a hot topic right now and for a good reason. Mindfulness has been shown to have a range of benefits and can improve your physical, mental and emotional health.