Eight Healthy Choices for Improving Your Health

By Lindsey Mathews

Lindsey washes a bunch of grapes at her kitchen sink.

It’s Spring 2021, a new season —a new year—a new decade! I LOVE a fresh start, be it a new day or a new week; and spring of a new year is the ultimate fresh start!

As a fitness and nutrition coach, it’s really important to help my clients understand that NOW is always a good time to start new. Nothing is permanent, we can change anything about our lives. How empowering is that?

When clients begin working with me, I begin by stressing the importance of making simple changes that will make a big impact on their health.

Here are eight healthy choices you can make this year that will help you feel your best, without committing a ton of time or other resources to your already busy life:

Track Your Steps

Sure, daily exercise is an ideal part of your day. But, the impact that simply moving throughout the day has on maintaining or losing weight (and your general health), is highly underrated! So, get yourself a digital tracker, set a daily goal and go after it!

Invest in a Water Bottle You Love

DRINK MORE WATER. That’s it! It helps with hydration, metabolism, and energy levels. When you get yourself a water bottle you love and works for you, you’re more likely to keep it filled and drink from it consistently.

Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier

If you have a hard time fitting in exercise during the day, my recommendation is to wake up a half hour earlier and start your day with a workout. You can accomplish a lot in that short time and your day will go better when you can check that off your list first thing!

Pack Your Own Lunch

It’s easy to grab something quick when you’re out, or go to lunch with co-workers, but you can save a lot of calories (and money!) AND make healthier food choices by preparing your own meals at home. A quick weekly prep of meals that includes healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fat will keep your nutrition in check!

Eat a Variety of Foods

When making food choices, variety is important. As long as the foods you choose agree with your digestion, eat as many different proteins, carbohydrates, and fats as you like. You’re guaranteed to get a better mix of nutrients from variety! Eating this way will also keep your meals interesting and tasty!

Get Enough Sleep

Sufficient sleep is critical to every area of our lives. When you get enough good sleep, you get sick less often, can more easily maintain a healthy weight, can manage stress better, and people like you more. Kidding! But you definitely have an improved mood which helps you get along with people better, right?!

Change Up Your Exercise

Exercise isn’t a punishment and doesn’t have to be boring! If you haven’t found the way you like to exercise, go do it! Pick up a new skill, try something different until you look forward to the 30 minutes or hour a day you get to move your body.

Make Healthy Swaps

You can save calories by swapping out your “regular” for a healthier option. Replace your daily soda with water, make homemade coffee instead of driving through Starbucks, or choose a lower calorie ice cream over regular ice cream. Most of us have a “habit” that, with a little creativity, could be a healthy habit!

Whether you make one or all of these choices this season, you WILL improve your health and be on your way to a better you!

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine