From the Editor
By Judi Moreo

We know what it is to feel discouraged. My coaching clients, my art students, and my friends often tell me that they are battling with loneliness, despair, hopelessness, even suicidal tendencies. Mostly because they don’t feel like they are good enough.
Art students feel they have no talent and their paintings aren’t as good as others. Family members feel like they aren’t living up to expectations. Writers feel like their message isn’t important enough. Everyone needs the gift of encouragement.
It’s an easy gift to give. All it takes is a bit of thoughtfulness and a moment or two of time.
Think about the people you know. Start with your own family. Each family member needs you to be his or her cheerleader. Make your home a safe place to be…emotionally. Find what’s right about your spouse, your children, your parents, your siblings and tell them. So often, we are quick to find what’s wrong and point it out to them.
Try saying one positive thing to everyone you encounter. It’s not that hard. They look nice, or they have a beautiful smile. They do kind things or have a talent or skill. Simply comment on it. If you think something positive about someone, say it to them. Your words can breathe new courage and strength into people who are struggling or overwhelmed.
My art students are amazing. Their paintings are exceptional. Not because I’m the best art teacher in the world, but because I am a great confidence builder. I help them find their uniqueness and get them to quit comparing themselves to others. Most of them start out telling me how some teacher threw their picture away or didn’t hang it on the wall along with all the other drawings by kids in their same elementary grade. Or how their parents or grandparents told them they would never amount to anything or pointed out how clumsy they were. It’s hard to UNbelieve negative things you have been told over and over. But I’ve found by speaking encouraging words to them, they live up to those words.
We can encourage others by giving them a compliment in person or in a note. Send them cards, a flower or do something nice for them. Small gifts are always nice to receive, especially if you have made it for them.
And, remember to encourage yourself, as well. Cut out the negative self-talk and build on your strengths. See any limitation you think you have as an opportunity to improve. When you see any improvement, give yourself a gold star, a flower, or even say something nice to yourself. Say daily affirmations!
You will be amazed at how good your days are when you are the catalyst for making others’ days better.
You can do this! You are more than enough,
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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