Ingenuity Leadership Through Personality Science

By Mamie-Jean Lamley

Ingenuity Leadership Through Personality Science

In today’s business world, the most common challenges are not technology, branding, strategic planning, or bottom lines. It is finding and keeping the human talent that offers passion, creativity, resourcefulness, imagination, and skill.

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Ingenuity as a skill or cleverness in devising or combining: INVENTIVENESS. Leadership is defined as an act or instance of leading. When we combine the two, Ingenuity Leadership, it is the act of leading with skill, cleverness, and inventiveness.

Ingenuity Leadership encourages the human talent of an organization or business, to think “inside the box” when it comes to systems, structure, and processes; while simultaneously exploring “outside the box” for flexibility, action, and opportunity.

An Ingenuity Leader takes what’s inside and outside of the box and makes room for an individual to thrive in an environment focusing on community and contribution, allowing for learning, self-mastery, and expertise to shine.

How do you show up – Are you an Ingenuity Leader?

  1. Do you put people before profit?
  2. Have you taken the time to understand and know your people?
  3. Are your dreams big enough to fit others dreams in it?
  4. What do you expect, and do you know what is expected of you?
  5. What’s your confidence level when setbacks happen?
  6. Do you lead, teach, inspire or do you expect, demand and blame?
  7. When developing a team do you take time to support, mentor and coach?
  8. How do you align company purpose with strengths of each individual team member?
  9. Are you leading change through action, contribution, encouragement, and consistent feedback?
  10. How do you celebrate success?
  11. Do you maintain focus on the future with alignment to your vision and mission?

How can Personality Science guide the Ingenuity Leader?

The science of the four personality types dates back over 2000+ years ago, when Hippocrates, the Greek physician, also known as the Father of Medicine, used it in his medical practice and called them The Four Temperaments.

Since then, research done by many experts and psychologists of behavioral studies have confirmed personality assessments valid. The quest to understand oneself has exploded in our society, and millions of people have opted to take some form of personality assessment, like DISC, MBTI, Color Codes, etc. to understand themselves. Although popular, not one of them focused on identifying how to determine the effect on decision making or how they said “YES” to a buying process, the impact on relationships, or the reason why opposite personalities attract or attack. This ultimately led to Cheri Trees, creation of B.A.N.K.™ Code Personality Types.

Imagine the ability of an Ingenuity Leader to be able to determine the personality type of each of their team members along with their values, likes, dislikes, top triggers and tripwires that get in the way of effective communication and team building. What could life look like if you mastered the science of communication, connection, and building solid relationships?

What Personality Type are you?

B.A.N.K.™ stands for Blueprint, Action, Nurturing, Knowledge. Below is a description of each personality. As you read through each personality type, determine which personality is most important to you to the least important to you. Put a number 1 to 4 in the blank. The number 1 being most important and 4 being least important.

____ Blueprint personality types like stability, structure, systems, planning, processes, predictability, responsibility, duty, rules credentials, titles and tradition.

____ Action personality types like freedom, flexibility, spontaneity, action, opportunity, excitement, attention, stimulation, competition, winning, fun, and image

____ Nurturing personality types like relationships, authenticity, personal growth, significance, teamwork, involvement, community, charity, ethics, harmony, morality, and contribution

____ Knowledge personality types like learning, intelligence, logic, self-mastery, technology, research and development, science, universal truths, expertise, competence, accuracy, and the big picture

Get a Complementary B.A.N.K.™ Personality Report

To receive a customized complimentary personality report, go to:

A copy of the B.A.N.K.™ whitepaper done by San Francisco State University will be sent after personality report request is received.
How will knowing & understanding each B.A.N.K.™ personality type help you be a better Ingenuity Leader?

  1. Humans respond to different linguistic cues and make decisions in different ways, B.A.N.K.™ is a revolutionary communication tool that uses reverse-engineered personality typing to help you “speak the language” of the other person
  2. When we are aware of these differences and have tools to adjust the way we speak to a person’s specific personality type, we get much more positive responses, 100% of the time, whether we are trying to collaborate a project, lead a meeting, do a presentation, close a deal, write a proposal, or simply improve our relationships with family, friends, co-workers, or executive management
  3. Understanding each personality, their values, likes, dislikes, and triggers increases your emotional intelligence and proactively engaging in conversation with individuals and the team
  4. Gain a clearer focus on value and how to be people-focused and profit-driven
  5. Accelerate results, increase retention, and greatly improve communication between clients, various departments, and team members
  6. Know the non-negotiable qualities of each team member and elevate their strengths and skillsets
  7. Increase personal productivity with the ability to develop high performing teams

Five Nuggets That make you an Exceptional Ingenuity Leader

  1. Teach, lead and inspire personal achievement and team success.
  2. Be “interested” not “interesting” by providing challenging and engaging conversations to learn and grow.
  3. Provide resources and training opportunities that highlight what people do best.
  4. Give recognition, praise and constructive strategies to build meaningful contribution.
  5. Acknowledge that their voice is heard and valued!
  6. Engage in opportunities to learn and grow personally and professionally.

Your most valuable asset is the Human Talent. Be the Leader of Ingenuity. Be the light! Learn to pause, breathe, correct and continue. Help others to move from “invisible” to “invincible” and watch them elevate into masters of their own destiny with authenticity, excitement, and responsibility to “own” their true selves!

This article originally appeared in the Winter 2019 issue of CHOICES Magazine