Journaling is a Choice

By Judi Moreo

Journaling is a Choice

If you have a great memory, you are one of the lucky few. This article probably isn’t going to add any value for you. For the rest of us, we have a difficult time remembering what we ate for breakfast this morning, unless it just happened.

Keeping a journal can be a great way to improve our situations. Because we have a difficult time remembering what happened in the past, we can simply refer to our journals. These journals will contain entries that specify the events on any particular day, as well as personal notes to ourselves. These notes can be related to the events, or they can be completely unrelated. It’s up to you.

The value of the journal won’t be apparent until you have been using it actively. This is where making it a habit comes into play. You need to discipline yourself to make an entry every day. Doing it daily is best. But, if you have a hard time with that, then shoot for once a week.

Try to avoid haphazard entries as the value of the journal will diminish. The journal is the reference book of your life. It also can serve as providing answers to problems you had in the past. The entries will contain notes about how you solved the problems.

It’s up to you whether you want to create this journal online or handwritten. There can be more of a commitment when you handwrite your journal. But, the choice is yours, as long as you keep it going and use it. I handwrite my journal. Each day I record one thing I have achieved that day in my physical Achievement Journal. It is amazing what you can achieve in a year when you set out to record one thing you have achieved each day. Because there is also a place in the Achievement Journal for me to keep my Vision pages for my goals in each area of my life, I look at them every day. This is such a good way to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind.

I also record my miracles in the journal. You will be blown away by how many miracles are taking place in your life when you keep a daily record of them.

Many of you know how long it took me to design and redesign this journal to make sure it would assist you in achieving your goals. It started out by me trying to find a journal that worked for me and when I couldn’t find one that was just right, I began taking journals apart and putting them back together, designing pages, pasting pictures and words, and putting in gold stars until I got just what I wanted…a journal we can use as a planner, a goal setting tool, a measurement of how we are doing in our lives and a gratitude book…all in one.

Now, it’s here and you can have one for only $39.95. I am so excited with the quality of the book and the fact that the price is so reasonable. If you don’t have one, get yours today so that you can have a visual depiction of all your dreams, goals, hopes, and ideas coming true.

>>Order your Achievement Journal today!

Here’s what’s happening with some of the people who use the journal now!

“Judi Moreo first introduced me to her Goal Achievement Method of setting goals over 15 years ago and I have been using it ever since. It helps me clarify my intentions so that my goals are what I truly want instead of what I think I should do based on family/societal influences. I’ve given copies of her journal to all my friends and as a college career advisor, I use the principles it contains to help my students.”
Sue Bracksieck
Eastern New Mexico University

“I’ve set powerful goals with my Achievement Journal and achieved my dream of becoming a best-selling author.”
Greg Kompes

“Writing goals in my journal and updating them regularly helps me stay on track. It’s about time someone published a convenient, well organized journal that people would really use. I should have known that person would be you – Judi.
Bob Walker

If the entire concept intimidates you, start out small. Don’t try to create volumes in your journal in the first few weeks. The journal structure that you come up with will evolve over time. You’ll keep what is working and scrap what isn’t.

There are some on-line productivity tools which can help in your efforts to journal. For instance, Evernote is a free online tool where you can create notes. You can date these notes and create a section called journal. They even have a feature where you can set up checklists or task lists. The information is saved in the cloud and is secure.

As you continue to record your daily events, you are training your brain with this activity. A journal can help you recall information, but it also serves to help you improve your memory.

Make the choice to journal today and every day! You’ll be glad you did.

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 issue of CHOICES Magazine