Masterpiece Moments

By Shana Kai

A Final Note

All little boys and girls have dreams. This blue-eyed girl was no exception. One specific dream I’ve carried in my heart for many years was to travel to Paris. Through the years, I cut out pictures of the Eiffel Tower and displayed them on my dream board. Family and friends would often give me gifts that had little pictures and sayings about Paris. As fate would have it, I finally found myself standing on French soil. I had dreamed for so long of going there. I was chomping at the bit to start checking things off my bucket list! I wanted to walk through the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles. I also wanted to stroll through the gardens and pretend I was a part of Marie Antoinette’s Royal Court.

Both of those wishes I was able to fulfill. Every aspect of the tour I took was glorious. Yes, I walked down the Hall of Mirrors. It was interesting to say the least. As I gazed at my reflection, I quickly noticed it was distorted somewhat like the mirrors of a fun house. The mirrors were made with such an old technique they didn’t allow me to fully capture my reflection. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and couldn’t help but make at least one funny face while looking in the mirror.

As I walked slowly around the beautiful palace gardens, I imagined the conversations that must have taken place as the King and Queen strolled along. The gardens were magnificent. Everywhere I turned to look was breathtaking. Every detail was taken into consideration… the views, the placement of trees, the fountains and what they each represented. I even fell in love with the sound my shoes made on the gravel as I walked along. It was all so glorious, and I ran around Versailles like a little kid in a candy shop!

Next, I was off to the Louvre and check off seeing the Mona Lisa first-hand. No more just looking at her in a history book. As I approached the room she resides in, it was over-flowing with people who also wanted to gaze upon this masterpiece. Then I made my way closer to the front of the line. I noticed the picture seemed to get smaller and smaller as I got closer. It was finally my turn! Sure enough, I was in utter shock as I stood there and gazed at the actual size of the Mona Lisa. I expected to see a much larger painting of her portrait. Instead, I found it to be a much smaller size. Who knew, right? All these years I had in my head what I thought the Mona Lisa would look like. When I was actually standing in front of the Masterpiece painting, I was able to see her true appearance. It was totally different than what I expected. I wasn’t disappointed… just caught off guard because of an assumption I had made.

Days later, as I sat writing in my travel journal, I began thinking about how often our thoughts can get distorted in life just like in the Hall of Mirrors. How sometimes our perception of people, places and things can be so far from reality. How many times have we met someone and instantly made a quick judgment or assumption only to find out after spending more time with them, they were amazing human beings? We could see ourselves becoming good friends with them.

We sadly even make assumptions about ourselves. We can easily self-sabotage an amazing idea we have by simply talking ourselves out of all the reasons why we’re not qualified. We listen to the naysayers in our lives that tell us it’s impossible to do what we’re daring. We let them talk us out of fulfilling our dreams and go back to playing it safe. We look in the mirror often and don’t recognize the unbelievable person staring back at us. The one who dares to dream; dares to love again; dares to stand in the arena of life and fight to make a mark; the one who has so much to offer to the world by being in it. The thoughts we think can either help us become a more refined portrait and masterpiece or something that we scrap and set off to the side because we find it isn’t quite good enough. My dear friend, Judi Moreo, says it perfectly in her book “You are More Than Enough!” Let those words resonate within your heart. They are so true! What I know for sure is every day is filled with little masterpiece moments. from the beautiful thoughts you think throughout the day not only about yourself but others to the masterpiece moments where you get to be an encouragement for another fellow human being. Every smile you give, every word of encouragement you share, every hug you’re willing to provide, every hand you’re willing to hold, every time you take a moment and simply spread kindness towards another is just one more brushstroke on the canvas of someone’s masterpiece. Your painting shines a little brighter too because you’ve invested in another person.

Banking accounts can quickly go bankrupt. Depositing kindness, accept-ance, and love into the human heart has the best return of any investment you’ll ever make in this lifetime. I have always believed you reap what you sow. Love and kindness are so much more beautiful than assumptions, judgment, or negative thoughts we have about ourselves or others. My wish for you is that every day will be filled with masterpiece moments. No matter where you are in your life’s journey, it’s never too late to begin creating with intention. Your best life is waiting. There is someone within your sphere of influence who desperately needs a word of encouragement. Maybe the masterpiece you look at in the mirror today could use some as well. Either way don’t let this day slip from your hands without making a brushstroke or two when confronted with opportunities to create your masterpiece!

This article originally appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of CHOICES Magazine