Things really do happen for a reason! If we are to survive and be happy with our lives, we need to believe that. We need to have faith that things will go as we want them to, that we will be safe, that we will have food, clothing, and shelter. Faith is the confident assurance that something we believe is true or something we desire is going to happen. It is the absolute certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though there is no tangible proof.

In today’s stressful world, people need to know there is a reason and a purpose for our lives.  We need to know we aren’t floundering around on our own.  We must absolutely understand and know in our hearts there is a power in the Universe that supports us and gives us strength.  Join Judi Moreo, author of You Are More Than Enough, as she explores how we can make the right choices in life and discover the joy of living.

Achieve Power Through Faith