CHOICES Magazine
Spring 2024 Championing Women’s Voices Worldwide
Online Article Archive
Elevating Women Entrepreneurs: Banishing Burnout Through Intentional Leadership in 2024
In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, women are breaking barriers and making significant strides. However, the relentless pursuit of success often comes at a cost, and burnout is an all-too-common companion on this challenging journey. A paradigm shift is underway that recognizes the transformative power of intentional leadership in banishing burnout and allowing women entrepreneurs to survive and thrive in their businesses.
Dressing Appropriately for Your Position
Developing your signature professional style for work will contribute to more tremendous career success. Appearance still matters—how you look and behave has a measurable effect on the viewer. Our world today has become a small global village, and with the mingling of different cultures and mindsets of all generations—all playing the game of wanting to be the best in the working arena.
Definition of an Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur is an individual who takes on the responsibility of starting and managing a business, typically with the goal of earning profit.
A Sister’s View
Not many people have the privilege of describing an entrepreneur’s lifetime journey—the trials, victories, heartaches, and joys—all viewed from the sideline only a sibling can occupy. Such is the case with my sister, Nancy Haller, and me. Her bio is impressive, and her work is notable.
Navigating the Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster: Managing Anxiety on the Road to Success
What were the reasons that led you to embark on the entrepreneurial path? Can you recall the mixed emotions experienced at the inception of this journey? I began my entrepreneurial venture driven to aid and empower fellow women. Additionally, the pursuit of financial independence, the autonomy of being my own boss, dictating my schedule, and allocating more time to my family were compelling motivations.
A Final Note from Judi Moreo
Thank You for Being a Part of Our Journey! We are immensely grateful to have you in the Choices community, where inspiration meets action. Your presence enriches our collective experience, and we deeply appreciate your support as we navigate this transformative journey together.
Meet the WEA Team
From founding businesses with minimal capital to inspiring thousands as a speaker, Judi’s journey reflects resilience.
The Power of Encouragement
The Power of Encouragement By Joan S. Peck “Way to go! You can do it!” These or [...]
Taking Control of Our Finances and Living Life on Our Terms
In today’s ever-evolving world, women are redefining norms and breaking barriers across industries, becoming catalysts of change. However, the journey towards financial independence remains challenging for many of us. As women entrepreneurs, it is essential that we take charge of our finances, cultivate healthy financial habits, and pave our path to financial freedom.
Encouraging Growth: The Power of Mindset and Self-Belief
In the entrepreneurship journey, there’s a pivotal point where fear meets ambition—a moment when breaking glass ceilings becomes not a goal but a necessity. For female entrepreneurs, this intersection often demands more than determination; it requires a mindset shift and unwavering self-belief.
The Imperative of Backup Communications
In an era where business operations are intrinsically linked to digital connectivity, the recent AT&T outage is a potent reminder of our telecommunications infrastructure’s fragility.
Unlocking Consistent Self-Care: 3 Practical Tips for Your Weekly Routine
We all hear the advice, “Take care of yourself first” or “prioritize self-care,” but when you run a business, are responsible for many of the day-to-day tasks, and have a family to take care of, then overwhelm sets in, and you become last on the long ‘to-do’ list. Balancing life and maintaining good health while running a business is challenging.