Starting the New Year with a Bang:
The Resilient Turtle Guide for Women Entrepreneurs

By Bea-Marie Aning

As we usher in a new year filled with fresh beginnings and boundless opportunities, it’s time to ignite our entrepreneurial spirits with resilience, determination, and a sprinkle of magic. I’ll share insights from my journey and work, including the 52 weeks of Flow podcast and the Superwoman Symposium to guide you on a transformative path of success and fulfillment in your business ventures.

1. Embrace the Turtle’s Pace: Steady Wins the Race

The turtle, often underestimated due to its slow pace, symbolizes resilience, wisdom, and steady progress. As women entrepreneurs, adopting the turtle’s approach means understanding that true success doesn’t come from a frantic rush. It’s about setting a sustainable pace, staying true to your vision, and progressing steadily without burning out.

2. Cultivate a Flow State: Harness Your Inner Energy

In my podcast, 52 Weeks of Flow, I delve into the concept of flow, a peak performance state where time seems to stand still, and you’re completely immersed in what you’re doing. Start your year by identifying activities that put you in this state and integrate them into your daily routine. This could be as simple as a morning meditation, a nature walk, or a creative brainstorming session.

3. Balance Science and Intuition: The Art of Edutainment

As a self-proclaimed neuroscience geek and world healer, I bridge the gap between science and the Woowoo. In business, this translates to balancing data-driven decisions with intuitive guidance. Use analytics to guide your strategies, but also trust your gut instincts. Your intuition is a powerful tool, often leading to innovative and creative solutions.

4. Set Clear Intentions: The Power of Visualization

Visualization is a technique I often use in energy healing and meditation workshops. As an entrepreneur, begin your year by visualizing your goals. Imagine your business flourishing, see yourself overcoming challenges, and feel the satisfaction of achievements. This mental rehearsal primes your mind for success.

5. Create a Community: The Strength of Collective Energy

In the Superwoman Symposium, the power of community was evident. Connect with other women entrepreneurs, create support networks, and collaborate. Sharing experiences, challenges, and successes fosters growth and creates a sense of belonging and empowerment.

6. Stay Educated and Informed: A Lifelong Learners Mindset

Continual learning is critical to staying relevant and innovative. Attend workshops, listen to podcasts, read books, and stay curious. As an international speaker and author, I’ve seen the transformative power of education firsthand. It keeps you informed, inspired, and ready to adapt to changes in the business landscape.

7. Prioritize Self-Care: Your Well-being is Your Wealth

Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s essential for sustainable success. Regularly take time to recharge. Whether it’s a spa day, a quiet reading hour, or a yoga session, these moments of self-care prevent burnout and keep your creativity flowing.

8. Embrace Your Unique Voice: Stand Out in the Crowd

In a world where everyone is trying to fit in dare to stand out. Your unique perspective, experiences, and voice are your greatest assets. Use them to create a brand that resonates with authenticity and passion.

9. Leverage Technology: Automate for Efficiency

Technology plays a crucial role in my vision of an automated business driving seven figures. Utilize digital tools for efficiency in your business processes. Automation frees up your time to focus on creative and strategic aspects of your business.

10. Give Back: The Circle of Positive Impact

As a world healer, I believe in the power of giving back. Incorporate social responsibility into your business model. It could be mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs, supporting a charity, or creating products that benefit society. This contributes to a better world and brings your work a more profound sense of purpose.

As a mother wishing for her children to grow up in an equal and just world, I believe that entrepreneurs have a role in shaping society. Use your platform to promote equality, diversity, and justice. This creates a positive impact and resonates with customers who share these values.

11. Celebrate Every Milestone: Joy in the Journey

Write a G.L.O.W List ( Gratitude Leads to Outstanding Wins): Acknowledge and celebrate each achievement, no matter how small. These moments of celebration keep you motivated and remind you of your progress. And whenever you feel low in self-confidence or want to quit, look at this list and read it out loud – it works magic.

12. Stay Fluid and Adaptable: The Magic of Flexibility

The only constant in life is change. Be like water — adaptable, flexible, and always finding a way forward. This mindset enables you to navigate the unpredictable tides of entrepreneurship with grace and resilience.

To sum it all up

As we step into this new year, let’s embody the spirit of the resilient turtle, making steady progress toward our goals. Remember, it’s not only about reaching the destination; it’s about enjoying the journey, learning from each step, and growing into the best version of ourselves. Let’s embrace the journey with resilience, wisdom, and magic as we start this year with a bang. Like the turtle, we may move at our own pace, but we are unwavering in our path to success. Here’s to a year of growth, success, and transformation filled with moments that propel us to our highest potential. Keep shining, keep learning, keep growing, keep flowing.

Happy New Year!

This article originally appeared in the Winter 2024 issue of CHOICES Magazine