Summer 20212021-06-21T09:57:16-07:00

CHOICES Magazine

Summer 2021 Conscious Connections Issue
Online Article Archive

Pay Attention

“That’s right,” Grandma repeated. “Pay attention.” She paused and leaned forward. “When you look, really look. Don’t just glance. What do you see? What do you hear? Take it all in and let it touch your heart. Then you will feel all the beauty.”

The Choice is Yours

Every person who comes into our lives has a lesson for us. There are those who teach us, those who hurt us, those who took us for granted, those who remind us, those who encourage us, and those who love us. You didn’t meet any of them by chance. You met them for the lesson.

Mindful Connections

hen you reach the end of the day, do you sit as I do and wonder where the time went? Are you honest when you ask yourself about what you accomplished during those hours? And even further, do you judge the day for its value beyond any financial gain or loss? Or do you expand your thinking beyond the obvious?

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