CHOICES Magazine
Summer 2021 Conscious Connections Issue
Online Article Archive
Pay Attention
“That’s right,” Grandma repeated. “Pay attention.” She paused and leaned forward. “When you look, really look. Don’t just glance. What do you see? What do you hear? Take it all in and let it touch your heart. Then you will feel all the beauty.”
Searching for the Wild Child
I grew up playing in the Finnish woodlands since I was five or six years old. Scents of spring-fresh fir, summer-warmed moss and autumn-soaked leaves permeated my senses, my very being. A wild child of the forest I was, free to explore while learning to be self-reliant. And I always found my way home.
How Coaches Help You Improve Your Life and Wellbeing
Throughout the process of being mentored, a life coach will help you explore your life to determine what you want, your why, your how, and what is blocking you. Your coach will help you find your path or purpose, as well as develop a fresh perspective and look at life from a different angle.
The Choice is Yours
Every person who comes into our lives has a lesson for us. There are those who teach us, those who hurt us, those who took us for granted, those who remind us, those who encourage us, and those who love us. You didn’t meet any of them by chance. You met them for the lesson.
Make Your Dream a Reality
When you have like-minded people around you and your own attitudes are positive and supportive, then you have a solid support network. These relationships can help you grow, improve, and find deeper focus as you seek to attain your dreams.
Can You Overwork Your Skin?
Overworking your skin? Yes, it can be done! Using too many products too frequently and/or too enthusiastically can overwork your skin, leaving it looking and feeling worse instead of better.
Mindful Connections
hen you reach the end of the day, do you sit as I do and wonder where the time went? Are you honest when you ask yourself about what you accomplished during those hours? And even further, do you judge the day for its value beyond any financial gain or loss? Or do you expand your thinking beyond the obvious?
Sharing Your Dreams with Others
When we have a dream, it can be tempting to keep it to ourselves. There might be some fear or hesitation about sharing because we aren’t sure how our dream will be perceived or whether others will understand our true motives and desires.
Emotional Connection to Your Dreams
Do you have big dreams, goals, and plans for your life? How do those dreams make you feel? Business leaders, psychologists, and researchers have found that to live your dreams, you need an emotional connection to them.