CHOICES Magazine
Summer 2021 Conscious Connections Issue
Online Article Archive
How Coaches Help You Improve Your Life and Wellbeing
Throughout the process of being mentored, a life coach will help you explore your life to determine what you want, your why, your how, and what is blocking you. Your coach will help you find your path or purpose, as well as develop a fresh perspective and look at life from a different angle.
Emotional Connection to Your Dreams
Do you have big dreams, goals, and plans for your life? How do those dreams make you feel? Business leaders, psychologists, and researchers have found that to live your dreams, you need an emotional connection to them.
The Choice is Yours
Every person who comes into our lives has a lesson for us. There are those who teach us, those who hurt us, those who took us for granted, those who remind us, those who encourage us, and those who love us. You didn’t meet any of them by chance. You met them for the lesson.
Sharing Your Dreams with Others
When we have a dream, it can be tempting to keep it to ourselves. There might be some fear or hesitation about sharing because we aren’t sure how our dream will be perceived or whether others will understand our true motives and desires.
Birthed into Greatness
When it comes to living a life that is truly dynamic, we must first look in the mirror. Once we view ourselves and understand who we are and who we belong to, this evokes a deeper meaning internally. We must seek the spiritual and personal development necessary to evolve.
A Final Note
The law of cause and effect tells us we can change the effect only by changing the cause. If we are thinking negative thoughts, we are going to get negative results. When you keep doing the same old thing in the same old way, it’s not only called insanity…. It’s called pure stubbornness. If you want different results or a different effect, you must change the cause.
How to Prepare for a Stress-Free Return From Vacation
Do you yearn for a vacation but hesitate taking time off because you dread the state your business will be in when you return? You’re not alone.
Who’s In Charge of Your Life?
Have you ever had a “knee-jerk” reaction to something and then wondered, “Where did that come from?” Or, “Why did I get so angry over nothing?” I used to ask myself those questions. But then I started to associate with people who didn’t have extreme reactions to small things – or even big ones. And I got curious.
From the Editor
Relationships are a vital part of our lives. We are constantly interacting with other people. Whether or not we are getting along with the important people in our lives determines, to a large extent, the quality of our lives. Make it a point to be conscious when you are making new connections and building relationships.