Take the Risk
By J. Rachel West, Founder & CEO of JRW Consulting LLC

Taking risks is one of the most challenging aspects of being in the marketing industry and business. You take the risk of putting yourself out into a new market or space that has never heard your name before. You risk putting time, effort, money, and resources into an idea or passion. You risk the possibility that your business might not succeed, and now you are left picking up the pieces.
In marketing especially, we consistently take chances with new strategies and trends. Sometimes, it feels like if you’re not on the latest TikTok dance craze, you’re simply not going to have the traction you’ve been searching for. Take it from a tired and less-cool millennial who has yet to jump on the TikTok bandwagon – putting yourself out into a world with such high expectations for content is daunting.
We’ve all thought, “How am I supposed to compete with that?” “How can I go viral?” “Why am I not getting the engagement I want?”
And we’ve all had the feeling of total frustration after spending an hour recording a TikTok, another hour editing it, and another hour figuring out how to upload the darn thing. You’re three hours in with nothing to show for it besides a random account spam comment. Nothing is so infuriating and disappointing than having your hard work account for nothing.
Trust me, I know. As a marketing expert who helps other entrepreneurs with their marketing and business strategies, I know the feeling of disappointment when a plan doesn’t work out. But there is nothing better in this world than seeing a plan succeed. To see a first-time retreat host sell out her first retreat or a visibility coach go from 8k followers on Facebook to 370k+ followers.
If I only looked at the plans and strategies that didn’t make it, I would miss all the impressive accomplishments I’ve helped my clients achieve. One takes a sense of pride when seeing clients reach their goals, and I try to remind myself daily that I have more wins than losses.
So, if you are stuck in the mindset of overlooking all your extraordinary accomplishments, here are a few tips and tricks I’ve used to get me back on track.
- Gratitude is mandatory. I’ve learned that the universe won’t send it back my way if I’m not showing my thanks. If we are not in a gratitude mindset, we are not taking on all the total abundance we can receive.
- Celebrate the wins you want to celebrate. I’m tired of hearing people say celebrate the small wins because small can mean different things to different people. A small win for me is getting up before 10 am, but for someone else a small win might be posting on social media. Find what you deserve to celebrate, and do it!
- Embrace the messy parts. I have a love-hate relationship with #3, but I learn when I stop to embrace the parts I didn’t like or could perceive as failure. I constantly want to learn so that I can ensure I am giving my best all day, every day.
- Have fun. Life is so short and it’s not meant to be filled with seriousness. Dance on those Zoom meetings, share your smile, and show the world who you are.
I know that it takes time to feel like you deserve this. But I promise you, you do. No matter your profession or industry, how big or small your company is, or where you are in life – you deserve this. Take the risk!
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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