The Power of Encouragement
By Joan S. Peck

“Way to go! You can do it!”
These or similar words of encouragement may have been what you heard as a baby when you began to take your first steps. Or maybe when you dared to jump into the puddle you were told not to. Or ran in a competitive race. In the excitement of the adventure, you didn’t always worry about the consequences; you just did it!
As you grew older, you appreciated that Rah! Rah! support from others – especially if you had doubts about achieving your goal. Because others believed in your success, you gave all you had to accomplish your feat and earn your desired success and their accolades.
We know that support from others helps us at any age and makes us more determined to finish what we start. Without it, doubt begins to creep in, and without their support, it certainly takes away some of the joy of success.
We can flounder when we begin a new project until we get accustomed to seeing our idea through. That’s what it was for me when I started writing and speaking. If it hadn’t been for my friends encouraging and supporting me, I’d still be sitting at my desk without doing anything.
I have to laugh at myself because the first time I spoke in front of a crowd, I was extremely nervous and stuttered through my presentation. To make matters worse, my talk was filmed. Afterward, my friends were kind, told me not to worry, and assured me that anything I did going forward would be better! (laugh)
Today, I’ve written over 16 books, and I couldn’t have done it without the encouragement of my friends, readers, and those who helped me produce the books. Knowing it wouldn’t have happened without the encouragement and support of others humbles me.
Is it different for entrepreneurs? At heart, entrepreneurs are optimistic gamblers. They see the possibilities that others don’t and are willing to try something without an assurance of success. However, that doesn’t mean they do things without thought or determination to succeed. Even though they are committed to an idea, they are usually open to discussing their venture with others for feedback. And if they receive enough encouragement, they are off and running!

Today, there is more pressure for women to step into entrepreneurship, as many no longer want to be under someone else’s thumb—they want their independence to accomplish something on their own. Their female energy of community, working together, and dealing with others is much needed amid all the anger and competition of today. Women innately want to do the right things for everyone’s benefit.
Therefore, our responsibility as entrepreneurs is to encourage others to take the leap and support them in their ventures. That is what the Women’s Entrepreneur Association is all about … it is working together and encouraging each other so we can create a healthier business world and a better place for humanity.
By recognizing the power of encouragement, I invite you to join me in supporting others to better the world.
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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