Choose to be Thankful
By Shana Kai Brandabur

In a world filled with unrest, negativity, hatred and division, there’s still so much to be thankful for. It would be so easy to get caught up in all the mayhem, but I refuse to. Here’s why. The fact that I am writing this, and you my friend are reading it, says we are alive. We’re above ground! Now that’s something to be thankful for. We were given one more day in which to participate — one more day to learn something new– another chance to do things better than the day before. You and I are getting what I call a “re-do.”
My husband, Jack, and I have a morning ritual. Before getting out of bed, he lovingly asks me if I’d like coffee or tea? Jack makes my hot beverage and has it waiting for me as I make my way to the living room where a warm fire is usually burning. We sit on the couch in the silence of the morning reflecting on all the promise a new day brings. He makes a conscious decision to start his day by showing me he’s thankful for my companionship and presence in his life. It’s a simple gesture that speaks volumes. By starting your day with a thankful heart, you are laying the foundation on which you will build your day. Find some special way or ritual to enhance your morning. No one is promised tomorrow, so get in the habit of being thankful for today.
Did you know that being thankful takes very little effort? Try being thankful for the smallest things and then work your way up to something bigger. Life has moments when it’s hard to muster the strength to function — let alone actually be thankful for it. I know I’ve been there. After my niece was killed by a drunk driver, and then six months later, I had lost my father to suicide, I found very little to be thankful for.
I had started the practice of writing in a gratitude journal long before my heart was ripped from my chest. I tried so many times those first few weeks to find something to be thankful for but to no avail. Then one night, I decided if I could only find one thing to write down that would be enough. I wrote that night in my gratitude journal “I’m thankful the sky was blue today.” That’s it, nothing more. The next night I wrote, “I’m thankful I heard the birds singing.” Each night I found one small thing to be thankful for. This was the beginning of my healing through writing…writing whatever I could think of no matter how insignificant It might seem to anyone else. To me, it was a step towards finding my joy again.
If you find yourself struggling like I did to find something to be thankful for, simply start where you are. Find something you can write and start with one or two things each day that you are grateful for. You’ll be surprised how each day gets a little easier to step out from under the cloud of despair. Funny how a simple daily practice can heal your heart.
I believe being thankful is a choice. We’ve all known a Debbie Downer or a Negative Ned in our lifetime…that one person who no matter how positive you were prior to talking with them, you walk away feeling like your life force was just sucked right out of you. I can’t help but think how differently their life would look if they could be thankful and positive about something, anything. It goes back to what I shared earlier about laying the foundation for your day. Start making a conscious decision to find something to be thankful for each day. You’re going to have days when you want to pull the covers back over your head. Go ahead. Seriously, it’s ok, if you don’t stay there all day. The world needs you and what you have to offer. There are also people who will be a beautiful blessing to your day as well. Maybe through a smile that warms your heart. Maybe, while outside, you see something beautiful that only the great outdoors can give you. Nature has a way of whispering to you and lures you in to notice even the smallest of miracles. I recently stood outside with my granddaughter, Millie, watching a spider weave a beautiful web. What a work of art. Without skipping a beat, Millie said, “MiMi, I’m going to pray that today Mr. Spider catches a fly so he can have a good dinner tonight!” In that moment, I was thankful we stopped to appreciate the fine craftsmanship of a spider. It was a great reminder to slow down throughout your day and see the things along the way you may have normally missed.
As we enter this next season, may you remember all the things you have to be thankful for. I’m thankful for whoever you are reading this. We may have never met, but I wish you a day today filled with happiness and new discoveries. When you look in the mirror, may you see someone who’s got more to accomplish in this life, more people to meet, more places to explore, more things to learn and more love to give and receive. Seize the day, my friend. There are those who have gone before us who would have loved more time here on this earth. You owe it to yourself to squeeze every minute out of this day you were given. Don’t waste it. It’s too precious. Live today as if it were your last. Choose to be thankful. When you wake up tomorrow start your day once again with a grateful heart knowing it’s a gift you’ve been given.
Happiest of days, Dear Souls!
This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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