From the Editor
By Judi Moreo

As the weather cools, the trees are changing their bright green summer clothing for the brilliant colors of fall… reds, oranges, and yellows splash across the landscape. There’s a hint of frost in the air. The work of spring and summer is rewarded with a bountiful harvest. Fresh fruits and vegetables are plentiful in stores. There is a new hope in the air.
Children are looking forward to the fun of Halloween. It may not be a day off from school, but it is still a time for children of all ages to dress up, have fun, play pranks, and eat way too much candy. Tradition says that All Hallows Eve is the last day newly departed souls have to seek revenge on those still living. To avoid being recognized by ghosts, people don masks and costumes. Candles light the way to church services the following day, All Hallows day or All Saints Day, usually November 1st. Celebrated with parties and apple cider, trick or treating, laughter and mischief, Halloween kicks off the holiday season.
Once the festivities are over, fall leaves, pumpkins, gourds, and cornucopia take the place of witches and ghosts in our household decorations. Preparations begin for feasting and family. It is time to give thanks. We will soon gather with friends and family for Thanksgiving dinner and give thanks for all that we have. We turn our thoughts away from everyday stresses to count our blessings.
We give thanks for friends who support us in the fulfillment of our dreams. We give thanks for family members who love us no matter what. We give thanks for our homes and the food on our tables. We give thanks for our health. Times have changed, and we may not have the things we used to have. We may sometimes feel frustrated, tired, and alone. But we can always find something to be thankful for. We are never alone. We are surrounded by love.
Stop. Get quiet. Wait. You’ll feel it’s presence. As long as we are alive, love is waiting to express itself through us. When we give thanks for what we have, instead of worrying about what we don’t, we find there is always more than enough.
Thankfulness is a blessing that you can enhance with patience and training. Many of you have traveled far on the thankfulness journey. The writers in this issue want you to know that we understand this journey and are here to support you in getting wherever it is that you want to go.
Remember, you are more than enough,
This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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