Spring 20212021-05-03T17:06:01-07:00

CHOICES Magazine

Spring 2021 Encouragement Issue
Online Article Archive

You Are More Than That

Have you ever tried to take out a bamboo grove? It’s just about impossible. Bamboo is the epitome of resilience – cut them down in one spot, and they show up in another. It reminds me of the human spirit. It can be resilient and thrive even when conditions seem to be against it.

A Final Note

Who told you life was going to be easy? There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pains in life. Things happen. Things go wrong. People don’t always do what we want them to. Don’t depend on other people for your happiness.

Eight Healthy Choices for Improving Your Health

It’s Spring 2021, a new season ---a new year—a new decade! I LOVE a fresh start, be it a new day or a new week; and spring of a new year is the ultimate fresh start! As a fitness and nutrition coach, it’s really important to help my clients understand that NOW is always a good time to start new. Nothing is permanent, we can change anything about our lives. How empowering is that?

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