CHOICES Magazine
Spring 2021 Encouragement Issue
Online Article Archive
Psychological Fulfillment – The Need to Dream
As a child, you likely spent more time talking about your life dreams than you do now. And that’s probably because someone in your life told you that dreams aren’t an important part of life and they don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
Choose Harmonious & Supportive Relationships
Most of us have that one person we can always count on. You call him or her when you’re nervous about a job interview, frustrated with a family member, or even grieving the loss of a loved one. They always seem to know the right thing to say to make you feel a little better about the situation, a little more confident in yourself, and a little less lost in your sadness.
Invest in Yourself – Find a Mentor
Mentors can be an incredible means of investing in yourself. Mentors are typically experts in their sphere of influence, but, at the very least, they are people more knowledgeable and experienced than you in a particular area.
4 Ways to Use Dreams to Promote Your Success
Everyone in the world has dreams of some sort, but very few turn these dreams into successes. This isn’t because it’s impossible to make your dreams a reality, but rather, they simply just don’t know how to use their dreams for their benefit.
Choose to Find Your Passion and Follow It
If life feels dull, uninspiring and leaves you with little energy and focus, then why not look for a cause, hobby or career that feels right and sparks joy within you? You’ll be amazed at the difference it will make to you, your relationships, and probably even, your finances.
You Are More Than That
Have you ever tried to take out a bamboo grove? It’s just about impossible. Bamboo is the epitome of resilience – cut them down in one spot, and they show up in another. It reminds me of the human spirit. It can be resilient and thrive even when conditions seem to be against it.