Summer 20212021-06-21T09:57:16-07:00

CHOICES Magazine

Summer 2021 Conscious Connections Issue
Online Article Archive

Tracey Starr

Tracey Starr (Samlow) is a fun-loving serial entrepreneur; business, marketing, public relations, and personal development consultant; multiple #1 Amazon best-selling author; inspirational speaker; promotor of conscious expert entrepreneurs (Miracle Messengers™️), products, and services; Body~Mind~Spirit Coach; and Heart 2 Heart Connector™️.

Birthed into Greatness

When it comes to living a life that is truly dynamic, we must first look in the mirror. Once we view ourselves and understand who we are and who we belong to, this evokes a deeper meaning internally. We must seek the spiritual and personal development necessary to evolve.

You Can Do This!

Art is very personal. It’s each person’s expression of something inside. We learn to trust our intuition and listen to our soul. The most important thing is that we step outside our comfort zones and try something new. The process of creation is what gives us the greatest benefit.

From the Editor

Relationships are a vital part of our lives. We are constantly interacting with other people. Whether or not we are getting along with the important people in our lives determines, to a large extent, the quality of our lives. Make it a point to be conscious when you are making new connections and building relationships.

Mindful Connections

hen you reach the end of the day, do you sit as I do and wonder where the time went? Are you honest when you ask yourself about what you accomplished during those hours? And even further, do you judge the day for its value beyond any financial gain or loss? Or do you expand your thinking beyond the obvious?

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