What Are You Thankful For?
By Maria Ortiz

I am thankful for every time someone said NO.
Because that made me find another way, another solution, another group, another team, another relationship.
Another place to eat, to spend the night, to go dancing, to see a Paradise, to be with me.
To dress me up, or down, according to the need to protect myself, or have fun, or being comfortable.
Or being unnoticed.
I am thankful for the Sadness.
Because she made me appreciate happiness, and showed me peace, quietness, and emptiness.
Because only when I was empty, I was in the search for more.
More life, more joy, more smiles, more Love, more meaning of my existence.
I am thankful for the Unappreciative.
Because that made me reach a higher level of contentment. Another way of being.
Because it killed all the ways of being me, that no longer served me.
It made my time more productive, more goal oriented.
I became more me, because I had no need to please, or do what I was expected to do.
Maybe because it didn’t resonate with me. With the calling of my soul.
With my internal knowing, the part of me that is wise and kind, loving and caring.
Because it forced me to extend that care to myself, otherwise I would have not notice that: I needed care, attention and Love.
I am thankful for my failed Relationships.
Because every person who walked into my life showed me another way of behaving, thinking and demonstrating Love. Because their expression of Love was much more different than my expression.
Way less generous, for the most part. This made me compassionate and wise. Because I knew that nobody shares what they don’t have more than enough of. I also learned that our ability to give is a decision that doesn’t require to have enough. It only requires to be willing to give.
I am thankful for being in Danger.
Because every time my life was in danger, my well-being was my priority, staying alive and safe was the fuel that made me run with a better decision, a new solution, a simpler way, a never thought of plan.
Or to execute the plan I had been thinking of, for long time.
The creativity, adrenaline and hope, as well as divine guidance was stronger than ever.
I felt so small, and so big at the same time.
I am thankful for Poverty.
Because every time she wasn’t present, I appreciated her teachings:
- Save for a rainy day.
- Prepare for the unknown.
- Use your money wisely.
- Are you buying for need or pleasure?
- Who needs your help?
- How much abundance makes you happy?
- What represents wealth to you?
- Money is just an exchange of services, time and solutions.
- Money has the importance that you give it, sometimes is not priority.
I am thankful for You.
Because your individual contribution makes a world of difference, because you are teaching us with your example, your example sometimes hurt, and sometimes creates a smile.
I don’t expect you to be perfect, I will not demand from you something I don’t possess.
I am only as good as my last understanding on how I contribute to the whole.
My own uniqueness and way of expression is reflected by you, that is how I can notice it.
My shadows are seen in the parts I don’t like about you.
My healing is in process because of your healing.
My broken parts are being restored, because you have a strong desire to restore your broken parts.
My dreams are being fulfilled, due to your strong desire of fulfilling your dreams.
“You are me, and I am You. The good, the bad and the indifferent is all my choice. I am Love.”
This article originally appeared in the Autumn 2021 issue of CHOICES Magazine
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