
CHOICES Magazine

Online Article Archive


Select an issue view by its cover or scroll down to view randomly selected articles.  For a complete directory of past issues (not all are available in the format on this page) please visit the Archives page.

False Hope

What does hope reveal? Are you thankful that hope exists? Does it fill you with excitement, freedom or joy? Do you remember being thankful for hoping your peers, family members or friends become amazing, well-balanced or healthy people?

The 1% Shift

Life is an ongoing journey of self-discovery; from the moment we are born to the day we take our last breath. In this journey, the power of self-awareness, reflection, and creating space for growth can be truly life-changing. The key to transformation lies in our ability to adjust the course of our lives with intention, guiding ourselves in new and empowering directions.

A Final Note

Who told you life was going to be easy? There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pains in life. Things happen. Things go wrong. People don’t always do what we want them to. Don’t depend on other people for your happiness.

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